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"So," Dr. Sanders began, "tell me what brings you here today." Mark cleared his throat. "Well, we've been having some... issues. Mostly related to Laura's job." Laura felt a flash of irritation. "It's not just about my job, Mark. It's about finding balance in our relationship." Dr. Sanders nodded. "I see. Laura, why don't you tell me your perspective?" Laura took a deep breath. "I'm a nurse, and my job is demanding. I love what I do, but Mark feels like I prioritize work over our relationship." Mark scoffed. "Feels like? Laura, you missed our anniversary dinner last month because of an emergency at the hospital." "It was a multi-car pileup, Mark! People's lives were at stake!" Dr. Sanders held up a hand. "Okay, let's take a step back. Mark, can you tell me how Laura's job makes you feel?" Mark's jaw tightened. "Unimportant. Like I'm always second best. I understand her job is important, but sometimes I wonder if there's any room for me in her life at all." Laura felt tears pri

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