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As Laura continued her walk through the garden, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was slowly isolating herself from the few potential allies she had in the compound. Over the next few days, Laura did her best to avoid Logan. She volunteered for extra kitchen duties during times when she knew he'd be in meetings, and she took roundabout routes through the compound to minimize the chance of running into him. One afternoon, while Laura was scrubbing pots in the kitchen, Lisa approached her with a stern expression. "Laura," the kitchen manager said, her tone clipped, "Alpha Logan has been asking about you. He says you missed a meeting with him." Laura's heart sank. She had hoped Logan would simply forget about their planned conversation. "I... I wasn't feeling well that day," she lied, avoiding Lisa's piercing gaze. Lisa's eyes narrowed. "Hmm. Well, he wants to reschedule. I told him you'd be available this evening after dinner." Panic flared in Laura's chest. "Oh, I don't thin

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