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For a moment, Laura stood frozen in shock. Then, realizing this might be her only chance to escape, she turned and ran. She didn't stop running until she reached the hospital roof, gasping for air as she burst through the door. To her surprise, she found she wasn't alone. Logan stood there, flanked by four others she didn't recognize. Their expressions were grim as they turned to face her. "Laura Jay," Logan said, his voice heavy with resignation. "I warned you about Carter. I wish you had listened." Before Laura could respond, the door behind her burst open again. She whirled around, expecting to see Dr. Carter or the werewolf. Instead, she found herself face to face with... Kim? Her colleague stood there, panting heavily, her clothes torn and her eyes wild. With a jolt, Laura realized the truth - Kim was the werewolf who had saved her. "Kim?" Laura whispered, her mind struggling to process this new revelation. "You're... you're one of them?" Kim nodded, her expression a mixtur

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