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She stepped inside, taking in the sleek, modern decor of his apartment. It was a far cry from the cluttered, lived-in feel of the home she shared with Mark. The thought of her boyfriend sent a pang of guilt through her, but she pushed it aside. "Can I get you something to drink?" Dr. Carter asked, gesturing towards the kitchen. "Just water, thanks," Laura replied, her mouth suddenly dry. As Dr. Carter busied himself in the kitchen, Laura wandered into the living room. One wall was dominated by a large bookshelf, filled with medical texts and scientific journals. Her eyes were drawn to a framed photo on an end table - a younger Dr. Carter, grinning widely as he accepted some kind of award. "That was from my residency," Dr. Carter said, coming up behind her with two glasses of water. "Seems like a lifetime ago now." Laura accepted the glass, taking a sip to steady her nerves. "You look so happy there." Dr. Carter's expression turned wistful. "I was. Everything seemed so simple then

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