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The questioning continued for another grueling hour, with Martinez probing every detail of Laura's story. By the time she left the station, Laura felt drained and shaken. When she arrived at the hospital for her next shift, the atmosphere was tense. Whispers followed her down the hallway, and she caught snippets of conversation. "...Carter's been suspended..." "...ethics violation..." "...cover-up..." Laura's heart sank. Dr. Carter suspended? What was going on? As she approached the nurses' station, Mia rushed up to her, eyes wide with concern. "Laura! Are you okay? I heard you were questioned by the police again." Laura managed a weak smile. "I'm fine, Mia. Just tired." Mia lowered her voice. "Is it true about Dr. Carter? They're saying he was involved in some kind of unethical experiment." Laura shook her head. "I don't know, Mia. I really don't." As they talked, Laura noticed other nurses glancing their way, their expressions a mix of curiosity and suspicion. She felt expos

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