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Chapter 6

|Every| I sniffed over the pot of soup I was making. The warm air invaded my nostrils, giving me a hint about what flavours I'd added before. "Oh my~ It smells great!" I heard Fah's voice as she made her way to me. I looked up at her as she was taller than me. She had her hair pulled back to a ponytail just like I had, we looked almost the same, but she looked more tired and worn out than I did. I smiled at her and nodded. It was that one time of the day when alphas and betas were out on the field with their training. That was the only time we had a smile on our faces because no one was there to judge or hurt us. But it only lasted a maximum of three hours because the female betas come early from practice. "I wanted to tell you." Fah started again. I turned to her while my hand was still stirring the soup. "You might need a haircut," she said with a teasing laugh. I rolled my eyes at her point. "But what I wanted to ask you was, do you know sign language?" she asked. I turned to her and gave her the 'are you for real?' look. Because there was no way I had the chance to learn sign language education. We were only taught how to read and write, nothing more. "Fine. I want to talk with you. Like, my mother couldn't speak either. So my father taught us all sign language. I was hoping you knew." she said with another smile. I didn't reply but smiled at her. It made me happy that she wished to talk with me; in summary, she was the only one who spoke with me. "Oh! What do we have here??" we heard a very familiar voice from the doorways. Fah turned to the door and folded her arms on her chest, probably giving the beta girls a challenging look. Because I knew there was no use in doing that, I focused on the soup. "Who told you can take a rest???" it was Janette. I could point her out as the 'mean girl' among the pack members. She was nosy as a start. "No one told us, Jane. Plus, we are making dinner, so why not have a conversation? You should get your nose out of here." Fah spat out. I poked at her side to calm her down, but even I couldn't help but laugh a little. Then I switched off the gas and stirred the soup a bit more to see if the thickness was enough. "I see," Janette mumbled and left the kitchen. Fah and I shared a glance at the incident. "Stupid freaks. I am going downstairs." she patted my back and left the kitchen, leaving me alone with my soup. I sighed, not even the slightest bothered by Mira's words. I was used to her nagging and bitchy words anyways. But Fah had some temper; she never tolerated their words. No wonder she got all the assaults from them later. I removed the rubber gloves I wore before and started collecting the dirty dishes to wash them. I ordered the glasses from the morning and carefully laid them in the sink as I turned on the faucet letting the water fill them. "I told you they have a high ego! It would help if you kicked them out of the pack as soon as you become the alpha. You don't know how they talked to me-" I heard Janette's voice down the hallway, probably badmouthing someone about me. I kept a watchful eye on the doorway while my hands slowly started scrubbing the dishes. "I see." I heard alpha Ren's voice after her. My hands involuntarily stopped scrubbing when I heard his voice. It didn't take long for both of them to come through the door. I fixated my eyes on the dirty dishes finding them rather fascinating. I heard a deep sigh that belonged to Ren. "I asked you to behave yourself, didn't I? I am capable of kicking you out of this pack." alpha Ren repeated the same thing he used to tell me ever since the incident that night. I turned to him and gave him a dull look. It wasn't like I did anything; I wasn't at fault. Even if I was, he shouldn't take Jane's side. Everyone knew how fake she was. "Look at her bitchy face! I am sure she poisoned that soup." Janette started adding hay to the fire. I stifled a laugh at her childish words but put on my dull expression as alpha Ren's eyes moved to mine. "Get out of the kitchen and leave the packhouse Every. Doors will be locked for you tonight; I don't want to deal with people like you." alpha Ren said with his voice colder than cold. I gave him the 'are you serious look' to which he responded to me with eye contact. Realising he was severe, I removed the apron tied around me and started putting on my shoes to leave the kitchen. But not soon after, Jane charged at me with a scowl on her face. She grabbed my hair which was tied behind in a neat ponytail. I released a silent shriek as she kept on pushing me of my hair. From the corner of my eyes, I saw alpha Ren coming behind her. Then he pulled her away from me before any chaos happened. Respecting the alpha, Janette did release me but not soon. She pushed me so hard before moving back with a deadly glare. I got pushed back harshly, losing my balance, and my side hit the counter hard. The hard impact toppled over the pot of soup on the counter. If I had my voice, if my throat could generate any sounds, it would've been one hell of a horrifying scream. The burning hot liquid soaked me from head to heel, burning my skin in all possible ways. It was hot. It was terrifyingly hot. I thought I would melt away right there. Alpha Ren's figure came in front of me. He quickly grabbed me into his arms. I tried to wriggle out of his grip, but I was already in the air. He threw me over his shoulders and carried me outside. I could see many pack members looking at us in wonder, shocked to see their alpha carrying an omega girl. The burning feeling was spreading around my skin. It started feeling as if it was acid. It only took a few minutes with the alpha carrying me and running at full speed. The next thing I knew, he threw me into the backyard fish pond. I got startled, but his hands quickly dipped my head inside to cool my body down.. it was one hell of a mess with fish swimming around me. We were both wet from head to heels. Did any fish die? We even had an audience. "Are you okay? Is it burning?" alpha Ren asked; what I didn't miss was the tiny concern lacing in his voice. But I was seeing red at that moment. It was all his fault Janette launched at me that way. Since I can remember, I've seen that girl going after Ren like a puppy waiting for special attention from him. What I knew was that she would do anything to get her hands on Ren's pants. From afar I saw her looking at us with furry. I badly wanted to go to her and pull all her hair and make her blad. Then slice her into pieces like meat! But I knew I couldn't do that; I didn't have the strength nor dare to do so, but what I did next surprised me. I stood in the pond, glaring daggers at her. I clenched my hands into fists and punched the nearest person.. who turned out to be alpha Ren. Everyone gasped. .. By the evening, I got slap after slap from Luna. The doors closed during the night, leaving me outside alone in danger. The visitors arrived. I decided to look for a place to sleep for the night. Maybe the woods won't be that dangerous af

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