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Chapter 1: Stolen

She jolted awake, her heart pounding in her chest. For a moment, she remained still, her hands pressed firmly against the cold ground, using it for support as she sat upright. A sharp pain surged through her body, causing her to wince in discomfort. The ache was everywhere, from her head to her feet, like every part of her had been bruised. She tried to steady her breath, but the air around her was heavy, suffocating in its stillness. "Where am I?" she whispered, her voice barely audible, though it seemed loud in the oppressive silence. Her eyes flickered around the dark, cramped space, struggling to make sense of her surroundings. There were no windows, no sign of the outside world, just darkness broken by faint streaks of light filtering through cracks in an iron door. She blinked, trying to adjust to the dim light, but the shadows loomed large and suffocating. She rubbed her temples as a wave of confusion washed over her. How had she ended up here? "What... what happened?" she mumbled to herself, her words trailing off as fragmented memories began to assault her mind. Flashes of the past slammed into her consciousness, each one more vivid and horrifying than the last. A sudden, chilling realization hit her like a freight train. "Oh God!" she gasped, her hands flying to her mouth as the memories fully returned. She bent forward, her body shaking, clutching her knees as a sob wracked her chest. Tears threatened to spill from her tired eyes, but she fought to keep them back. Her hands trembled as they rubbed her worn jeans, her mind racing to piece together what had happened. She had been taken. Why? She couldn’t fully grasp the reasons. She had been doing what her parents had instructed her, fleeing with Jeremy when their pack had come under attack. It was chaos—the screams, the blood, the scent of fear thick in the air—and then darkness. Everything had gone black. "Jeremy," she whispered, the name slipping from her lips before she realized it. Panic surged through her, and she frantically scanned the room again. Where was Jeremy? Her breath quickened, and she felt her heart race even faster. She couldn't bear the thought of him being hurt or worse. Jeremy had been her rock, her anchor ever since they’d discovered she was wolfless. The memory of that discovery weighed heavy on her heart. It had come out of nowhere. The Pack's doctor had said it might be a temporary condition, but no one had been sure. The uncertainty hadn’t stopped the whispers or the bullying that followed. School had become a nightmare, her classmates merciless in their taunts. Even Kia, her childhood friend, had turned against her, joining in on the mockery without a second thought. But Jeremy had stayed. He had been the one constant, the one person who believed in her when everyone else had turned their backs. Now, she had no idea where he was. "Jeremy!" Her voice cracked as she struggled to decide whether to call out or remain silent. Was he even still alive? Were they both trapped here, or had he been taken somewhere else? She bit her lip, torn between the fear of alerting whoever might be listening and the desperation to find him. Her body trembled as a single tear slipped down her cheek. She swiped it away angrily, refusing to give in to the growing despair. She hadn’t escaped like her parents had begged her to. She had failed them, failed Jeremy, and now they were both in danger. No. She couldn’t think like that. She had to know if Jeremy was still alive. Ignoring the stabbing pain in her muscles, she forced herself to her feet, every movement sending fresh waves of agony through her body. Her legs felt shaky, and she had to brace herself against the wall to steady herself. The cold metal felt alien against her palm, a stark reminder of her captivity. "Jeremy!" she called again, louder this time. The echo of her voice reverberated through the dark space. She could hear faint grunts and groans from somewhere nearby, sounds that confirmed she was in some sort of prison. Her heart pounded in her ears, drowning out the murmurs. She wasn’t alone here. But she needed to find him. She couldn’t lose him now—not after everything they had been through together. Not after he had stood by her through all the humiliation and pain. "Jeremy!" she screamed, her voice breaking as she blinked rapidly, trying to hold back the flood of tears that threatened to spill. She refused to let herself believe the worst. He had to be alive. But the silence that followed her call was deafening. No reply, no familiar voice to comfort her. Her knees buckled, and she collapsed onto the floor, her body trembling as she fought to contain the sobs that clawed at her throat. Was Jeremy dead? Were her parents dead? Who had taken them? Who had sold them out? It had to be someone from the inside, someone who knew exactly where they were hiding. Her lips moved without sound as she whispered Jeremy’s name again, as though saying it enough times would summon him. She buried her face in her hands, letting the tears flow freely now. She had lost everything—her family, her friend, and now the one person who had stayed by her side. A loud bang jerked her out of her sorrow. Footsteps echoed from the hall, several pairs moving closer, the sound growing louder with each step. Panic surged through her as she scrambled back toward the wall, her body trembling violently. She kicked an empty plate as she moved, the sound clattering in the small room. Her seizures were starting again. Frantically, she reached into her jeans pocket, searching for the small white container. Her hands fumbled, but there was nothing. She cursed under her breath. They must’ve taken it when they captured her. She pressed herself against the wall, wrapping her arms tightly around her shaking frame, trying to control her breathing. But her body refused to listen. The door rattled, the sound of a heavy lock being undone sending chills down her spine. She heard a deep voice outside the door, cold and menacing. "Where’s the one calling for Jeremy?" the voice growled. The door swung open with a screech, revealing a hulking man, his dark eyes filled with malice. He stepped inside, his presence filling the room as he looked down at her. "So, you’re the one," he sneered, walking toward her with slow, deliberate steps. Her body shrank against the wall as if she could melt into it. His eyes roamed over her small frame, and a twisted smile spread across his face. "You’d make a good bed warmer," he leered, his voice dripping with cruelty. "The innocent ones always do." Revulsion coursed through her, but she forced herself to meet his gaze. "Where’s Jeremy?" she demanded, her voice shaky but defiant. The man’s hand lashed out, striking her hard across the face. She stumbled, tasting blood on her lips as her vision blurred. "You speak when spoken to," he growled, his eyes narrowing dangerously. "Do you understand?" She nodded weakly, cradling her stinging cheek. "You're lucky," he said, glancing toward the door. "He’s not dead yet. Bring him in!" he barked. Her breath caught in her throat as the door opened once more, and Jeremy was shoved inside. He collapsed onto the floor, bruised and bloodied, but alive. "Jeremy," she sobbed, her heart breaking at the sight of him. "Olivera," he whispered, his swollen eyes barely open, but filled with relief at seeing her.
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