(At the Cavern)
'And that's bag three" Scott rolled his eyes.
One thing he never realized about having three Lunas was that they'll want you to respect their three decisions when you need one.
He didn't plan on taking Evelyn's suggestion on staying at the Blue Moon Pack for a week.
Before he could revolt, Margaret had helped him pack clothes. Evelyn packed supplies and Lydia packed fruits. In different three bags!
Did they know he owned no horse or was he supposed to carry all these and still run?
'Not to be insensitive to your efforts but he is just informing them about something. He isn't staying too long to plan a war" Han looked briefly between his sisters.
Scott knew he was coming from a different direction but it still made sense. He carried two bags back to his cave and began unpacking, despite their sulking.
'Women are so demanding" Han came in with the last one.
'And I have three Lunas" Scott said rather proudly.
The thud Han dropped the bag with made him turn.