The day crawled by as Linda immersed herself with the books she found at the library. Seated in the dining room awaiting dinner, she grew worried when Vladimir hadn’t returned at the normal time he came home. She tried dialling his number but it resulted in a busy signal. She became anxious as she wanted to know if he had discovered any leads on her abductors.
On the other side, Vladimir drove the car through the quiet road listening to low music playing in the car. He had heard from Alexander that their mother wasn’t out of country yet so he had left to see her.
“Don’t you think you should tell her everything instead of keeping her in the dark?” Alexander questioned.
“No..... What if she runs away and puts herself in more danger?” Vladimir asked him back.
“Don’t tell me you are beginning to have interest in her, Vlad.” Alexander said.
Vladimir turned his head to Alexander and he looked straight into his eyes. “Interest? When was the last time you saw me falling for a girl?”