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Chapter 3: Secrets in the Shadows

The morning light filtered through the narrow window of my small room, resting directly on my eyes. I had barely slept, my mind consumed by the events of the previous night. The image of those eerie red eyes and Damien’s fierce demeanor haunted my thoughts. Every inch of me longed to know who those eyes belonged to and what Damien had to do with it. I swung my legs out of bed and forced myself to begin my daily chores. The Brannon estate, with its grand architecture and opulent decor, contrasted sharply with my humble quarters. As I prepared for the day, I couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that had settled in my chest. The memory of Damien's harsh words and the cold grip on my neck still lingered, making every task feel heavier. The kitchen was bustling with activity when I arrived. The aroma of freshly baked bread and sizzling bacon filled the air, mingling with the chatter of the staff. Lydia, the Brannons' daughter, was already seated at the large dining table, her presence commanding attention. She was a vision of grace, her beauty accentuated by the rich fabrics of her morning gown. Her privileged position made her treat me with a polite distance, like a leper. Her personality if she wasn't born into such power may have been totally different. Or maybe not. She did not care what anyone thought of her anyways. "Ella, make sure those dishes are spotless," Lydia said, her tone sharp as she glanced in my direction. I nodded quickly, trying to focus on my work. The Brannons had high standards, and any deviation from their expectations could lead to trouble. As I placed the dishes on the table, I overheard snippets of conversation from the family. They were discussing the upcoming full moon, a time of heightened power and danger for the pack. The air was thick with tension as Alpha Brannon and his son Luke exchanged serious words. "Luke, you need to be vigilant," Alpha Brannon said, his voice low and commanding. "The rogues are becoming bolder. We can't afford any mistakes." Luke nodded in agreement "I'll be ready, Father. The pack will be prepared. Damien is already on it" I couldn't help but feel a pang of pride. Luke was being carried along even though it was the last place he wanted to be. Looking at him, I was absolutely sure, he would gladly switch places with me in that moment . Meanwhile, I wasn't sure I would want to be in his shoes either. I wasn't sure of what I wanted, but I was damn sure I was tired of being a helpless house servant. There was much more I could do, but I was limited by my position, by my failure to manifest my werewolf abilities. But I reminded myself that patience was a virtue and that my time would come. That was my only consolation Later in the day, I was tasked with cleaning one of the guest rooms. As I dusted the furniture and straightened the linens, I felt a presence behind me. I turned to find Luke standing in the doorway, his expression thoughtful. "Hello, Ella," he said, his voice warm. "I hope I'm not disturbing you." I shook my head, feeling a blush rise to my cheeks. "No, not at all. How can I help you?" He stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. He leaned against the wall, his gaze intense. "I heard about what happened last night. You were out in the woods with Damien." My heart skipped a beat. "How did you know?" His eyes softened. "I have my ways. I also know that Damien threatened you. I'm sorry about that. He's... complicated." I nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and apprehension. Luke’s concern was genuine, but I was wary of revealing too much. "It's alright. I shouldn't have been out there." "Perhaps," He said, his expression turning serious. "But I need to know what you saw. Did you notice anything unusual?" I hesitated, remembering Damien's warning. "No, nothing unusual. Just the woods and the moon." Luke studied me for a moment, then nodded. "Alright. But if you see anything out of the ordinary, you need to tell me. The full moon is approaching and we all need to be safe. Including you." "I will," I promised, relieved that he seemed to trust me. "Thank you, Luke." Luke's smile was warm and reassuring. "Take care, Ella. And be careful." As he left, I resumed my thinking and cleaning. His concern was touching, but it also fueled my supported my feelings that there was more. There was something happening in the woods, something that they both seemed to be aware of. And I was resolved to find out what it was. As evening approached, I felt an irresistible pull towards the forest. The moon was nearing its full phase, casting an ethereal light over the landscape. I slipped away from the estate, my heart racing with a mix of fear and curiosity. The forest seemed alive with sounds—crickets chirping, leaves rustling, and the distant hoot of an owl. I moved quietly; my senses heightened. I was drawn to the clearing where I had seen Damien the previous night. The memory of the red eyes made my skin crawl, but I forced myself to stay calm and focused. I arrived at the clearing, the moonlight casting long, eerie shadows across the ground. I scanned the area, my eyes searching for any sign of danger. The clearing was empty, but the oppressive silence made my nerves fray. Suddenly, I heard a rustling noise behind me. I spun around, my heart pounding in my chest. But it was just a rabbit darting through the underbrush. I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding, feeling both relieved and foolish. "Looking for something?" a voice said, making me jump. I turned to see Damien standing at the edge of the clearing, his expression unreadable. "I... I was just curious," I stammered, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. Damien's eyes narrowed, his expression hardening. "Curiosity can be dangerous. You should go back. Now." His tone left no room for argument. I nodded quickly and began to make my way back, my mind racing with questions. Before I left, I glanced back at him. For a brief moment, our eyes met, and I saw a flicker of the same worry that had troubled me before. I hurried back to the Brannon estate, my thoughts a whirlwind. Damien's warning and the unsettling feeling in the forest weighed heavily on my mind. There was something lurking in the shadows, something dangerous. As I entered the servants' quarters, I tried to shake off the sense of dread that had settled over me. The house was quiet, and I could hear the soft murmurs of the other staff as they went about their evening routines. I join the other servants in the common room. On nights like this, we all gather to drink, talk and have fun. It was the only time in the week granted to servants in the Brannon estate to socialize. I sat in one corner of the large room. Watching everyone dance and have a good time. I was falling into such gloom, thinking about the past couple days had me riled up. But why? Why would I let such matters bother me? What change could I achieve by myself? I was lost in thought when Rob the butcher came and dragged me up of my seat. “Young lady, come dance”. He held my hand up and I turned around. Rob was a jolly good fellow. One of the oldest living servants in the Brannon estate. He was always cheerful and happy, despite the monotone and boring routine of his everyday life. He was always happy. I should be like Rob. I told myself. Happy, carefree and without a worry in the world. I soon joined the larger circle and danced the night away.

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