Ares wasn’t sure what to make of Lenora’s outburst. He merely stared at her as if she had two heads instead of one. Where did all that come from?
The man took a moment to reformulate his thoughts. He took in the way she appeared frazzled. As if distraught by the thought of something being exposed in that little camera. He was sure she would have broken it into fragmented little pieces if she could reach it. Even when the object was only doing its job.
“You seem to have lost all sense of rational thought.”
“Are you insane?” Lenora rebutted his words, angry at the accusation.
“Or are you simply worried that someone might lodge a bullet in your brain while you’re sound asleep?”
The words did make sense. Ares was a powerful man and you don’t become that powerful without making a good few enemies. The man also doesn’t play it entirely safe now, does he? There were whispers of him working both sides of the coin. His illicit dealings were never confirmed but it was not as if someone co