I sat by my phone counting the time before Connor's arrival. It was still 1 pm and he said he was going to be back by evening. It was an excruciating wait and the only human contact I had was with room service who had stopped by twice to bring me breakfast and brunch.
I tried to make use of my phone and played super Mario but got bored a few minutes later. I bit my lips and let out a low groan of frustration. I felt a bit of anger and frustration wash through me. I have had enough of his keeping me locked up alone. I was no Rapunzel or a princess in distress locked up high up in the towers waiting to be saved. That was nothing like me.
My eyes scanned the sunlight-flitted room and I made up my mind to break free from this tower. I got up without a waste of time and walked to my closet. I ran my fingers through the piles of neatly arranged clothes on the wooden hangers and selected a pair of knee-length polyester gowns and brown knee-high boots. I slipped on my selected clothes and ga