That night Jennifer and I had a great time together and when I got back to my dorm room I knew that I was already falling in love with her.
After that we saw or at least talked to each other every day going on dates on the weekends. On our third date I borrowed my roommates car. He had an old Buick La Saber his father had
given him. He called it his love machine because of the large back seat.
That night I took her out to dinner at an expensive Italian restaurant then we went parking. I parked the car in an area where we wouldn't be disturbed and we sat and listened to the radio as we began necking.
After a half hour of heavy petting, with all clothes on, I suggested that we get in the back seat. she gave me a devilish looked and asked, "Why do you want to get in
the back seat?"
She must be thinking what am thinking.
"So we'll have more room." I replied.
"More room for what?" she asked looking directly to me.
"Just more room." I said. I don't want to tell her my intention and