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Chapter 12: The Rules

Even though her mind was far away, Janice had managed to answer all the questions the dowager queen had thrown at her without evading any. "These are all the preceding royal families." She continued as they moved to another section of the castle. Janice assessed each picture of the royals the Queen had pointed to and noticed they all had uptightness about them. More so, she glimpsed the same grimace and forced smile on each face and wondered if it was the pattern they used in taking pictures. Janice had seen the same expression on the Queen's face in the picture that was in the drawing-room. "Next we move to etiquette." She stated, swiping at the pages of the books with her as they walked back to the dining hall. It could house more than a hundred guests- A large table was situated in the centre and three maids were busy arranging ceramic plates, cutleries, and paper towels on it. Janice had no problem with eating etiquette. She was familiar with all the rules and she could recite each offhand. Janice had gone to the school of convent. At first, she had thought it was a waste for her mother to have sent her there, now she was glad she had been there since all the teaching was coming in handy. They walked back to the drawing-room after some while, and Janice let out a relieved sigh because she could sit again. "When in public, you are never to sign any autographs or take selfies with any fans or whatever they are called." The Queen's eyes lingered on Margie as she continued. Janice watched as Margie fingered the stone embellishments on the bodice of her gown. "It shouldn't be that bad if someone likes to take a photo of you or wants you to sign a paper for them," Janice said. "It's unheard of." The queen asserted, "You should abide by all the rules." Janice shrugged, glancing away. She wasn't one to break a rule, but she felt it was too strict to follow. "The Queen is so uptight!" Janice mumbled as soon as she entered the room that had been arranged for Margie. "Shhh." Margie tugged her inside and then secured the lock on the wooden door before gazing at her friend. "You sure want to put yourself in trouble by yelling those loud." She giggled as she released her. "I heard she can be inhumane in punishment." Janice remembered what the seamsters had said yesterday, and wondered what kind of punishment the queen meted out to offenders. "But, that is the truth. We are humans you know." Janice said, "I don't know what is so special about the royals." "Of course. I knew what I signed up for. So, I'm not bothered." Margie shrugged, plopping on the bed. "You know you would leave that job of yours when you get married to Jules. Are you aware of that?" Margie's brows quirked. "What?" Janice mumbled, with raised brows. She knew Margie was stopped from going to hers, but she hadn't thought she would be in the same position. Margie shook her head as she stared at the confusion on her friend's face. "Jules should have told you about it before now." "He only talks about me warming his bed after we get married,'' Janice murmured. "Typical Forrest man." Margie rolled her eyes. She wasn't surprised since her husband had mentioned the same thing to her. Now, she doubted if he married her to warm his bed alone or because he loved her. "Besides, the Queen mentioned it in the drawing-room. It seems you were not listening." Margie said. "Should I assume your thoughts were on Jules who is attending to his business in London?" Janice's cheeks reddened, and she gazed away briefly from her friend. "How do you know he went there?" "Jeremy told me." She said, "I knew you were thinking about him. What happened last night?" "W-what?" Janice stuttered. "The glow on your face and the far-away look can't be mistaken. Spill the beans!" "N-nothing happened," Janice said, hastily. "If I didn't know you, I would have believed that lie." Margie tutted. "Will you tell me what happened or do you want me to find out for myself?" Janice shook her head. Where would she begin from? She mused as she watched the twinkles in Margie's eyes. She was aware that Margie could bring out the information from her eventually if she wanted. "Fine, something happened last night," Janice murmured, whilst avoiding her stare. "I knew it!" Margie squealed. " How was he, bigger and better than the first time?" "Good God Margie, I'm not divulging that part of the information to you." Janice glared. "Don't worry, you don't need to. I'm married to a Forrest and I can say his performance is exceptional." Margie grinned, licking her lips. "Okay, thanks for that piece of information," Janice wrinkled her nose. "Do you want to know what happened during our honeymoon?" "Oh no! I'm not interested in what you and Jeremy did on that Island getaway you went to." "I'll say it anyway." Margie rolled her eyes, grinning. "Please don't," Janice begged. "I may have to barf on this gorgeous rug if you do." Margie wrinkled her nose and then giggled. "You are such a prude!" Janice preferred to be called that than listen to all the naughty details of what her friend had done. She knew how extreme Margie could be with divulging information. She often left no part untouched and she says it as it was. "I prefer being called that to listen to vulgar stories between you two." Janice retorted. "Oh, lest I forget I brought something for you," Margie mumbled. She gripped the handle of her luggage and hoisted it on the bed. She undid the zip and ransacked the bag. A few minutes later, a lacy thong appeared in her hand, and she waved it in Janice's face. "What is this?" "What does it look like?" Margie questioned as she tossed it towards her. Janice caught it, and fingered the material." What am I using it for?" "Seduction, baby!" Margie said, wiggling her waist. Janice's face burned as she thought of wearing the material to seduce Jules. She doubted if it would even work. "Don't doubt yourself. We've got the power to bring men down on their freaking knees." Margie beamed. "I seem not to know you anymore," Janice said, chuckling before placing the thong on the bed next to her. Margie scoured the bag for more items of clothing and tossed them toward her. Janice barely saw anything decent as she glanced at each of the things Margie had hurled at her. "Am I only here to seduce Jules?" "Nope," Margie said, popping the p. "But I brought them because it would come in handy. I heard the Forrest's men can be boring sometimes and you might want to spice up your bedroom matters." Janice sighed, as her thought drifted back to Jules. She was missing him already and thought of how she would cope without him. Though he irked her all the time, she enjoyed his presence. ###Chapter 13: The Earl of Brightstone "Janice!" Margie called out. "I might have to leave you to go to the town square alone." "I'll be with you in a minute!" Janice yelled as she did the button of her dress. The ladies had heard of the famous fundraising event for victims of natural disasters that often happened during this time of the year and had decided to attend after receiving permission from the Queen. Also, Margie had been given a special invite to grace the event as the newest addition to the royal family and a guest speaker. Janice had barely found something decent to put on since most of the clothes in her bag now seemed a bit too tight for her growing bump. "I'm not even big yet, and none of these fits anymore!" She groaned, tossing one of the gowns she had tried on in the box next to her. She plucked a gown she had borrowed from Margie's closet and donned it on. "This is better." She mumbled, swirling in front of the mirror. Janice was glad she could fit into Margie's dress, and she was surprised since the latter was a little bigger than her. "You look like a queen except for no crown yet." Margie complimented as Janice emerged from the room. Janice had wanted to discard the peach flowing gown on second thought as the sweetheart neckline made her chest huger than normal and also it was a snug fit from the waist downwards before it branched into a fishtail. What she liked about it was, it had given her some curves that she had never imagined she had. "You look much better than I do," She grumbled as she stared at Margie who donned a yellow pleated maxi dress with ruffle sleeves. A brown hat with a wide brim adorned her head instead of the tiara she usually wore. "You are a pregnant babe and I doubt if I would look half as good as you do when I'm pregnant." Janice knew she would look better. Margie hardly ever looked out of place. She had the grace and poise of a noble, and she was sure she would look more alluring when she took in. "But, I'm not ready for that yet." Margie wrinkled her nose as they stepped out of the house. "I know that," Janice affirmed. She remembered the last conversation she had with her friend about childbearing. Margie had told her she was planning on going on contraception since she was not ready to be burdened yet. Janice wondered if Jeremy knew about her decision since he was quite ecstatic he would be an uncle soon when the news of her carrying Jule's child got to him. "Does Jeremy know about that?" "Of course not!" Margie exclaimed. "You don't expect me to tell that to someone enthusiastic about children." "He watches my stomach every day and as well asks me weird questions which are meant for pregnant women alone." Margie snorted. "I don't think you keeping him in the dark is a good idea. You need to let him know of your decisions and make plans towards it." "I know it won't end well if I decided to keep him informed. Besides, I'm taking the pills for when I'm ready, which might be soon." Said Margie, shrugging. Janice knew it wouldn't be any time soon. She knew Margie's case was far worse than hers when it comes to parental issues. They had discarded her when she was seven years old and had said to her face that she was a mistake as well as a disruption to them. Janice wondered what kind of parents would ever say that to their child, and she didn't blame Margie for wanting to have a rethink about having a child of hers. Janice sighed when they arrived at the town square in the car Margie had acquired when she got married. As soon as both stepped down, the camera flashed in their faces and Margie's name was chanted since they recognized her as an actress and as a princess due to her marriage to Jeremy. Whereas Janice was happy she didn't have any title yet, and people barely noticed she was there. Yet, she had glimpsed the curious look on their faces as she walked by. She was glad Jules hadn't disclosed their marriage yet. Though it wouldn't be sudden since the Queen had taken it upon herself to take care of the upcoming royal wedding- she had sent the invites herself. Margie waved, and a bright smile appeared on her face. The attention Margie was receiving overwhelmed Janice and she doubted if she would ever get used to the treatment when she became a Queen. A man who was perhaps in his thirties bumped into them. Aside from the pin that signified he was a noble attached to the cloth he donned, the way he carried himself couldn't be mistaken. Janice had seen Jules and Jeremy act that way. The only difference was Jeremy was better, and a very humble human. Unlike Jules who acted like the world revolves around his royal ass. "Sorry, Ma'am." He paused, then continued, "I must say you are the loveliest woman I've seen today." He mumbled. His eyes stayed on Janice whilst he gripped the hand that Margie extended to him. He bowed and placed a soft kiss on it before straightening. "I'm Paxton, the Earl of Brightstone, and who is this your beautiful companion?" He nodded towards Janice who was staring around. The Earl had seen her from afar and had bumped into them on purpose. He was intrigued by the blonde-haired woman who wasn't trying too hard to be noticed Her face was void of make-up that most women donned tonight, and he wondered if she was trying not to draw attention to herself. "Oh, this is Janice Sketches." Margie introduced as she eyed him. If she wasn't married, she would have fallen for the charm of the stranger before her. His russet hair was slicked back, and his eyes were an icy blue that twinkled when he laughed. Janice lifted her brows as she heard Margie introduced her to the handsome stranger. Also, she noticed she had omitted the part that she would be getting married soon to the prince. Possibly it was a bad idea to announce her marriage to the future king to everyone. The Earl assessed Janice, and he beamed as her brows creased. Despite the plain gown she wore, she was even more gorgeous than the Duchess. "Nice to be of your acquaintance, Ma'am." He said bowing to her. "You too," Janice muttered, rolling her eyes discreetly. "May I escort the Duchess and her companion to their seats?" Janice keeps forgetting Margie was now a Duchess since Jeremy had taken the title of a Duke after his marriage with the Queen's approval. "You may." Margie nodded, and let him link their hands together. Janice Hesitantly linked her arms to his, and she was glad when they got to where they were to sit. "So, I haven't seen you around. Do you have any relatives here?" The Earl asked. Janice snorted at his attempt to start a conversation with her, but she remembered one of the rules from the queen earlier- Act interested although you are not. "No." "I hardly forget a pretty face when I see one." He said, chuckling. "Would you perhaps still be in town during the debutante balls at the castle?" He paused, then stroked his goatee, "I'll like to see you around." "See that!" Margie exclaimed, shaking Janice as she was about to answer. Janice stared at the Earl who was still awaiting an answer and was glad Margie had interrupted them. Even if she was in town, she would either be in the Prince's bedroom attending to his needs as he had said or during other Royal duties. Janice tuned out the Earl for the rest of the evening, though she knew it was rude of her to do so. After the fashion show was over, the ladies waited behind to greet more guests before returning to their abode. Janice in particular was enthusiastic because she had already had enough of the men leering at her in the event as well as the Earl who had attempted to gain her attention. She had tried her best to concentrate on the event, but from the corner of her eyes, she often noticed the perverted eyes the men were tossing her way, and the dirty look the women who accompanied them added. Janice laid on the bed after discarding her clothing and brought the duvet to the top of her neck. Her mind drifted to Jule and she thought of what he was doing at the moment. Perhaps, he was in a meeting or with some of his business associates in the gentleman club he often frequented. Maybe, he was with a woman who was warming his bed. Janice grimaced as the image of a blonde with an enormous chest and backside she had conjured in her mind crawled up to Jules. She grimaced and shook her head. "He'll be here soon." Janice chanted, rolling on the bed. ###Chapter 14: Arrival and Gift Janice awoke the next afternoon to a soft kiss on her cheeks. Her nose flared at the familiar murky cologne that wafted to her nostrils. She opened her eyes slowly and let out a sigh as she spotted Jules at the foot of the bed. His hair looked dishevelled, and she noticed he had discarded his tie as well as jacket leaving only the inner shirt which was rolled on. "When did you arrive?" Janice murmured, groggily whilst sitting up. She braced her back with a pillow and groaned as she kneaded the muscle at the back of her neck. She had met with the Queen earlier before she came back to bed to do some training on how to Maintain an excellent posture. Five heavy books had been placed atop her head, and each had toppled to the ground the moment she took a step forward. The queen had hissed, scolded, and insisted she did it over and over again even though Janice had looked like she might pass out from standing for too long due to the rigorous activity. It had taken up to two hours for her to manage to get the book to sit on her head and passed the test as well. "I came here as soon as I arrived. Do you miss me?" Jules inquired, tilting his brow. He sat on the bed and gripped her left foot. His soft hands played with the toes for a while before he began to massage them "No," Janice whispered. Her skin tingled at his gentle caress, she kicked the duvet to let him have access to the other leg as well. Jules' brows lifted as he stared at her. He knew she was lying because he had gotten a message from Margie and even a voice note she had recorded without Janice's consent stating how she missed having him in the same room. He thought of how she would react if he decided to play the audio so she would listen to her voice. "I believed I was well informed that you missed having me here even as I irk you most of the time." "Margie and her big mouth!" Janice muttered. "So, do you miss me, Madame?" Jules prodded. "Okay, I missed you," Janice grunted. "Are you happy now?" "Of course, I am." Jules chuckled, whilst patting her feet. "Aha!" He exclaimed whilst tapping the back pocket of the black pants he donned "I bought this for you." Janice's eyes widened as she clutched the tiny blue box he extended towards her. "What is in it?" "Open and see for yourself." He urged, tucking a stray lock behind her ear. Janice gasped as she opened the box. "How…?" She trailed off whilst assessing the golden necklace and earrings with her. No one had ever gotten her a gift before let alone getting what she wanted exactly. "I saw you checking it out whilst at the airport," Jules said. He remembered how her face had lit up as she scrutinised the necklace which was displayed in a glass. He wanted to see the same reaction again on her face. "This is so beautiful." She muttered, hoisting the box to assess them. She liked its simple, yet sophisticated look, but she was aware of its cost. "This is quite costly." Jules shrugged as he took the necklace from her. "It didn't put a dent in my fund. It's just a minor thing." Janice shook her head as she watched him unhook it. She didn't know how to appreciate him because she had barely gotten a gift from anyone while growing up. Not even her parents. Instinctively, She closed the distance between them, and let her lips collide with his. Janice felt Jules stilled, and his body hardened as she wrapped her arms around his waist. Embarrassed, she halted when she received no response to her kiss. "I'm sorry." She said, staring at the bed. "No, no I'm sorry," Jules replied, lifting her head to gaze at her. "I was shocked." "No, it's fine." Janice asserted with a small smile. Her gaze left the bed to stare at him for a brief seconds before glancing away. "May I?" He inquired, lifting the unhooked necklace in front of her. "Yes." Janice bobbed her head before lifting her hair from her neck. "This is my first ever gift because I've never received any while growing up." She beamed as she clutched the gold hourglass pendant. "I can send you a gift each morning to cover up for lost childhood." Jules asserted. "Thank you, Jules," Janice said, blinking back the tears that pooled at the corner of her eyes. "You are so nice to me." "You'll be my wife soon, and the mother of my heir. That is the least I can do to make you happy always." "I'll repay this," Janice vowed. "You don't need to. Just remain beautiful and happy for me." Jules murmured, caressing her cheeks. For a moment, Janice would have thought Jules was in love with her. If she didn't know it was all a ruse to keep her in the dungeon that was his room. Jules twirled her hair in his hand before he tugged her to him. The blouse she donned rose, and his pupils dilated as he glimpsed at the tiny bump in her stomach. "My heir." He murmured, stroking it. "The baby could be an heiress, you know," Janice said. "I know it's an heir and I don't mind having a little heiress with your eyes and hair later." "It's too early to tell what the gender of the baby is." Said Janice as she tried wiggling from his grasp. "I know that," Jules affirmed. "But, it's not too early to do this." His head dipped, and he took her lips in a sweet kiss. Janice's hand scrunched his shirt as he cupped her derriere and lifted her onto his hard-on. "You are so sweet, Madame," Jules murmured as Janice let him slip his tongue in her mouth. "I want you now." Janice moaned as Jules placed his lips on her neck. Without further ado, Jules thrust in and let out a loud groan at the sweet feelings that erupted inside him. "Sh*t," Janice cussed as he increased the pace. Her back arched, and she let out a shriek. "You are so loud Madame," Jules said after a while. Janice blush as she thought of the queen or maids hearing them. "Don't worry, I like hearing you moan out my name." He rolled off her and tugged her to him. Janice smacked his chest lightly as he chuckled. "Jerk." She murmured whilst drawing tiny circles on his chest.

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