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Chapter 1

Hope y'all enjoy❤️ ________________________________ "Dude it's time for you to go get your schedule for next term". Nick said to lucas "Are you sure?".lucas ask he really didn't want to get up. "Yes Mathews they are at M now".He roll his eyes at the lazy boy. Lucas did the same and got up from the lunch table going into the vice principal's office. "Lucas Mathews".He told her and she look through the drawer. She handed it to him and he look through it making sure he was satisfied with it. "Um can I ask you something?".Lucas ask her smiling sincerely at her. "Yes you may".She return the smile. "Why the fuck do you think I need a triple math?bitch fix my schedule". He gave it back to her.She quickly type on her computer then printed him a new schedule.He smile at her again before leaving making another student go in. You might think he's a bad ass but no,he just talk to anyone anyhow except his dad.When he's at home its a different story.His dad abuses him always blaming him because his mom left.He has his dream job owning a club which Lucas found stupid because when he's drunk he just hits Lucas more.Deep down Lucas is depress and weak but plays a good acting roll. When He got home it was late.He threw his bag down and went to the kitchen.When he heard his dad's voice in there,he was standing by the counter with a bloody nose.Lucas went to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of water. "Your time of the month huh little bitch?" His dad turn to glare at him. "I don't have time for your games now boy,this is important".His dad pushed him back on the counter making Lucas hiss in pain and his water to spill. "What is it?".He whimpered His dad took a deep breath before beginning "When your mother left I lost my job.I got a new one from someone,a dangerous man.He said I could have the job but in ten years time he will come back and he will want something back but he died.He handed over his business to his son and now its been ten years and my time is up.I don't have Anything to give this new leader and I don't want to lose my job so I told him to choose and ........he picked you". The water drained from lucas' mouth when his father said the last part. "I didn't have a choice fuck face!!". "You fucking had a choice,you chose your job! You trade me for a fucking job". "Well I like my job better than you faggot!". Lucas threw my bottle in the sink and stormed out the front door.There was a creepy looking car parked across the street from them but he paid it no mind. He have seen people give up things when they owe someone but his dad was on a level by himself giving up his own son.He know he didn't like him since mom left but come one.Lucas thought He kicked the bin by a mailbox and watched it rolled into the road but he didn't care he just couldn't believe. Suddenly a car pulled next to him,he realize it was the same car across from their house.The four doors open and that was enough for lucas to take off running.He didn't got too far though it was like he was taking baby steps.Hands grab both his arms and he was being lift off the ground and back to the car where two other men were waiting. "PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN OR I'LL GO WILD ON Y'ALL BITCHES".he yelled mostly because he wanted the neighborhood to hear and help him. A hand covered his mouth.One man got in the back then he was put it but before he could get out another one came in sandwiching him.The next two got in the front and the they drove off. "You best cut my arms off cause when I get free I'm gonna-". "Can we put him to sleep joe?".One guy beside lucas ask making him look at him with wide eyes. "Boss wants him awake and remembering everything". "Yes I want to speak to this boss of yours".he hiss but deep inside he wanted to pee his pants. "Oh you're gonna and you best lose the attitude princess,you're soon own by the most dangerous man on earth". "No I wanna go home".Lucas started to sob covering his face with his hands. "Its okay princess, you'll be home in less than half and hour".One of the guys at the front said "I wanna go back to my house idiot!".He yelled then continue sobbing. "Just hold on princess-". "Stop calling me princess and take me the fuck ho-".he was cut off by a cloth press to his nose and he started to get dizzy. "Fuck micheal I told you not to do that!".The guy,Joe's voice sounded like it was miles away to lucas. Two men beside him started to get blurry. "He was freaking out".Micheal said in an annoyed tone. That was the last thing lucas heard then he rest his head on one of the guy's shoulder and then he was out. 💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊 Lucas was awoken by three gunshots.He shot up taking in his surrounding while his heart beat rapidly in his chest.Where the hell was he? He was in a room but had no idea how he got there.His head then began to hurt and he laid back down putting his hand under the pillow to get comfortable.His eyes went wide when he felt something.He pulled in out and gasp when he saw it was a pistol.He seriously was freaking out now. He got up and tried the first door but It was lock,before he could move a key was put into the door and lucas step back.The door open and a Mexican man came in he realize it was the same an from the car.Joe if he remembered. "Where the hell am I?".Lucas hiss then cowardly step back "Boss is dealing with Michael for knocking you out he should be up in a minute". He slowly nod moving to the edge of the bed. "You don't have to be scared you know".Joe spoke again making lucas glare at him. "I was given to the most dangerous man in the world there's a gun under that pillow I was woken up by gun shots and I don't know where I am". Before joe could answer the door open.Lucas started to shake looking at the floor.Shoes could be heard coming towards him. "You can go now Joe".The person spoke. Lucas almost jump from his husky voice. Joe shoes were heard walking quickly out the door and then it closed. "You can look at me angel".The man whispered but lucas didn't. He jump when he felt a hand on his chin and his head was lift and his eyes met the guy's own lucas almost melt.His bright sparkling grey eyes made him lick his lips.The man smirk when he did it and that sent shivers down lucas' spine. "Are you uncomfortable?".The man ask. Lucas finally got the confidence to answer hi and glared at him. "No I'm not uncomfortable I'm not scared or nervous I'm excited that I was given away ". He regret everything the second it came out he look up at the man and whimpered. "Please don't hurt me". "You're too cute to lay a finger on and I would never hurt my angel.I like your attitude Lucas my name is Eli,Eli Morgan your lover". "My what?".lucas ask immediately. "Your daddy didn't tell you everything did he?". Lucas shook his head shifting on the bed while the man sat in the couch nearest to the bed. "Your dad made a deal,I give him the club and he give me his son to be my husband".lucas look around the room after he said that.So there wasn't another man that dies and all that?how could my dad do this?.Lucas thought "Don't worry Lucas I already like you.You'll be happy here I will protect and love you".He said coming over to him. "Let's take a bath and I will tell you everything". "T-together?".Lucas ask with wide eyes. Eli just smirk and took his hand leading him into the bathroom. His mouth fell open the second he opened the door.The room was breath taking so is the room but he was more interested in the bathroom. The tiles on the floor were gold with silver linings,the bathroom wall was silver .The taps on the sink were gold.Everything was almost silver and gold except for the items in their. Lucas felt hands wrapped around him he tensed when felt hands going to his belt and then his pants drop.Eli took the end if his shirt and lift it over lucas' head then went to his boxers.Lucas face heated up when his boxers drop to his ankle,he move his hands to cover up his self.He hears movement behind him then Eli took his hand and then went over to the shower together.The shower stylish,there were buttons the blue one was for the flavoured shampoo you want to be squirt out and the hot and cold water.Small holes in the ceiling showering down water on them while Eli washed both their bodies while lucas turn red all over. After the shower Eli dried both of them and gave lucas a robe and put one on himself.He then led lucas out the large balcony where their dinner was set on the small table.Eli pulled out the chair for lucas. "So how are you taking this?". "Uh I'm doing fine because getting taken away by strangers and not knowing where you are is normal.Taking a shower with a man you don't know and finding out that you're his lover is normal......and oh having dinner on a balcony with him".Lucas quickly added. Eli only smile in amusement causing lucas to blush,looking down at his half finish meal. "You'll get use to it besides you'll be here for a long time". "Why do you want me?".Lucas ask in a whisper. "I've just met you today and I can already tell that you're the best thing that have happened to me in a long time".Eli answered "You don't even know me".lucas roll his eyes. "Your name is lucas Mathews,you're sixteen years old you use to go to Manning's high you don't anymore because you're here with me.You're 5'7 gemini you love anything that's the shade black you love watching the tv show shameless.Your mother left when you were born, you don't socialize with a lot of people and you belong to the most dangerous man on this earth". "Why do everyone keep saying that?".Lucas ask rolling his eyes. "I'm the mafia not the mafia of a country but of the world angel the most feared man you'll ever meet". "Tell me about you".Lucas said leaning back in his chair. "There isn't much to know, I'm also Gemini 6 feet half Mexican my dad was Mexican and my mom was American,they're both dead.I don't watch tv and I would prefer the color red mostly because i see it every minute of every day". "Do you speak Spanish?". "I speak a lot of languages". Lucas wasn't satisfied but he will find out more. "Finish your meal love".Eli command gentle and lucas obeyed. * * * * * * * "Um...I don't have any clothes here".lucas said when they went back to the room. "The closet is filled with clothes for you but you won't need any right now". Lucas eyes widen when Eli took off his robe moving to lucas and slipping off his too. "I sleep naked".Eli whispered huskily. Lucas kept his eyes on the man's face he really don't want to look down.He knew better than to say anything.Eli led them over to their bed and they climb in.Lucas went as far as he could away from Eli but squeal when he was being pulled back into Eli's hard chest. "I won't hurt you".Eli whispered For some reason Lucas trusted him,he felt good,press to Eli's chest.He turned and snuggled into the crook of Eli's neck making Eli let out a soft chuckle and caress his hair. "Good night my love".
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