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This time round the idea had been haunting Jenna for days and she had to make up her mind to break the news. All the while she and Ryan were sitting clothed under the fairy lights of his concealed art studio, she inhaled deeply. “Hey Ryan, may be we should fix a date, to dine together tomorrow night at my house?” She posed the question in what can best be described as a voice lifted in both enthusiasm and uncertainty. Ryan looked up from his painting, and he stared intently into her eyes. Most pets will disagree and potentially embarrass you in front of your family – “Dinner with your family? Are you sure?” “Yeah,” Jenna agreed, though she did not feel as certain as she tried to appear. I was then told: “I think it is about time they get acquainted with you. ” For a second uncertainty flashed in Ryan’s eyes before a smile lit up his face. “Fine, Parker. C ’mon or I’m in. ” The next evening Jenna was very nervous helping her mom to set the table on the dinner for the family. Her dad is in the living room, with the newspaper spread over his face while Tommy was jumping up and down happy there was a guest. ‘Mom, Dad, I just want you to give Ryan a chance,” Jenna snapped as she put the final fork on the table. This quote can be interpreted as: “He is – far from what you expect. “ Turning to her father angrily, she said, “Oh no, we will see about that,” her father snapped back at her. ‘I heard some things about this boy, Jenna things that make me very worried. ’ “Just… just be open minded, please,” Jenna begged, feeling sick to her stomach. There was a knock at the door and she tensed up. She got up without delay and then rushed to the door to open it to find Ryan standing at the door oozing some sort of nervousness yet at the same time was determined, and in his hand a bouquet of flowers. “Hi,” “Hey,” Jenna said brightly to him. "Come on in. " Ryan got into the cabin, and looked around at the warm, friendly feeling that the house provided. ”Good location here,” he said the moment he gave her the flowers. “Thanks,” Jenna replied with a smile before she was winced to show that she was pleased with the gift. "These are beautiful. " When they reached the dining room, Jenna’s parents were looking at them. Tears welled in her mother’s eyes but her father never flinched and he continued to give Ryan the evils in a glare that seemed to penetrate him. “Mom, Dad, this is Ryan,” Jenna said, and she anxiously spoke the words because she had not spoken with Ryan for weeks. “Here are the prom pictures with my family Ryan, I have my parents Mr and Mrs Parker and my brother Tommy. “ “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Parker,” Ryan welcomes them warmly shaking their hands. There are many polite phrases for leaving, such as “It was great to see you,” “Thanks for having me over. ” Mrs. Parker gracefully extended her right hand and said something to him about the pleasure of meeting him before shaking his hand. ”I’m glad to hear it too Ryan. Have a seat, please. Dinner is almost ready. ” Mr. Parker then shook Ryan’s hand, the grip of which was rather too tight. Therefore, he exclaimed, “So, you are the boy who has been so engrossed with my daughter. ” He spoke in a combative manner. Ryan looked at him in the eye and said: “Yes sir. I am, “ They settled down to dinner quickly but one could feel the tension rising in the air. Jenna’s dad shifted uneasily in his seat and Jenna turned to see him swallow hard before he could finally speak. “Well, so you enjoy kicking and biting little kids in your school, is that so, Ryan?” Ryan’s lips pulled back as if to snap at the man, but he managed to restrain himself. March Pell: I have sinned in the past, Mr. Parker, but I am in the process of changing. ”He misstep!” continued Mr. Parker making his voice even more piercing. “The one you were involved in last month where were you beaten up: or the one where you scribbled on the wall last year. ” Through the gaping of her mouth and the wide opened eyes of Jenna, one could tell that she was quite amazed. "Dad!" she exclaimed, mortified. Ryan exhaled sharply. Sir, I won’t lie to you and say all that did not happen But I want you to know that what you have been told is just but the tip of the iceberg. “‎Oh?” Mr. Parker widened his eyes. "Then enlighten us. " It was beginning to be Ryan’s turn to speak when Mrs. Parker interrupted him. ‘Why don’t we talk about it later? The food is getting cold now. ’ During dinner for instance, Mr. Parker posed complicated questions to Ryan and every question he asked was a rhetorical one. He hesitated for a second then continued, “So, what do you want become when you’re done with high school? I can hardly believe you’ll go to college. ” ‘ I would like to join art and design course’, said Ryan. Each conversation ends with one or both of the participants mentioning, “I’ve been working on my portfolio-“ "Art?" Mr. Parker scoffed. ‘How will you fend for yourself with that?’ Jenna felt a heat rising to her face and embarrassment, and anger swelling up in her. She began to stand up for Ryan but he stepped and put his hand on her arm and that shut her up. “I know that you are concern Mr. Parker,” Ryan replied in a cool manner. ‘I know I can do it’, and if it doesn’t work out, I’m ready to work harder’, I have been balancing between school and work for quite some time now. Mr, Parker looked quite surprised at how mature Ryan was, but he was not yet finished. There is also your personal life: ‘Oh, your father is not around anymore, right?’ The room fell silent. When the man had finished and was about to step back, even Tommy who had been talking non-stop, felt the tension in the room and stopped. Ryan looked at me with a combination of both pain and rebellion in his eyes. “My dad left when I was young,” he said, his tone was calm, and it was almost as if he was telling her the time of day. My mum has had it rough, but she is also the toughest woman I have ever met in my life, she has instilled the principles of hard work and honesty in me. Mrs. Parker looked at him pitying her but soon Mr. Parker continued relentlessly. ‘Do you really think that you are worthy to marry our daughter?’ “Dad, stop it!” Jenna said this with much emphasis, unable to keep quiet any longer. There was a silence between them and Ryan took Jenna’s hand below the table and held it while he gently squeezed it. “Mr. Parker,” he said, staring at the older man right into the eyes, “I am not sure if I am good enough for Jenna But I do know that for her I want to be the better man I can be, she believes in me and that is all that I need. ” It becomes very quiet at the table. Mr. Parker looked into Ryan’s eyes for quite a while before he seemed to come to a decision and gave a small nod of his head. Finally, the night was over, Jenna accompanied Ryan to the door and she had in her a mix of feelings ranging from anger, embarrassment and pride. “I am really sorry about my dad,” she said quietly and she could not hold her tears anymore. Ryan took her chin in his hand and tilted her head up slightly. “Oh come on, it’s alright I understand it he is only concerned for you. ” Jenna pressed herself closer to him, feeling the power of his arms and comprehending the words he said. “You are welcome for not letting go. ” They exchanged a long glance, that which is said unsaid between them. Jenna stared after Ryan and felt a new strength within her rising up. The interrogation that her dad gave her only made her more determined to support Ryan. When she returned home they were both in the kitchen. Her dad was looking up when she got in, his face was impassive. “Yeah, he did quite well,” he said begrudgingly. Jenna crossed her arms. “He shouldn’t have had to, Dad,” she said, “You were out of line. ” Mr. Parker sighed. “I am not saying all that to harm you, Jenna. ” “Yeah,” Jenna murmured. “Though, there is one thing which you have to trust me. ” This was the thought that went through Jenna’s head as she went to bed that night with a lot of things running through her head. Even though there was tension between her and her father, and her father cross questioned her, Ryan did not back down. He had been tender and caring for the first time and even though Jenna had spent a lot of time with him she had not seen this side of him. She dozed off with a cocktail of feelings; anger at her father’s behavior, pride in Ryan’s steward, and a growing fondness of the boy who was turning out to be much more than they expected. Despite all the difficulties that may be expected, Jenna was now more confident than ever that Ryan was worth it.

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