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Chapter 8 Working The Magic

Wes grinned down at me as he held onto my hand and led me into a local pub. "Just because you're leaving the party early doesn't mean your night has to go to waste. The drinking doesn't have to stop." I shook my head at him, laughing softly. I followed him in and we took a seat in a booth. Wes turned to look at me before he sat down. "I'll go grab us some drinks. I'm hoping you won't run away." "It's tempting," I joked. Somehow, I was already feeling much lighter and calmer now that I was here with Wes. He made me feel better even when he was hardly trying. Wes returned with some drinks and sat across from me in the booth. He leaned over the table, peering at me with a strong and intrigued gaze. "So, you don't want to talk about whatever has got you in a sour mood?" I bit the inside of my lip as I debated. It wasn't that I didn't trust Wes, that wasn't the case at all. I just didn't want to spend any more time ranting and dwelling about Nate. Nate was a lost cause at this point. All I could do was be patient and let him have his distance until he sorted out his own head. As much as I hated it and it did hurt me, there was nothing more I could do to fix the mess our relationship had become. I wasn't giving up. I just didn't know what to do. If he wasn't reciprocating the same effort in our relationship, there was only so much I could push. I needed him to get his shit together on his own terms since nothing I was doing was making a difference. I leaned back in the booth, exhaling deeply. "I'm sure you have a strong idea what it's all about, Wes." Wes nodding his head slowly, a small grin on his lips. "I think I can read you pretty well, sweetheart." I quirked my eyebrow, not being able to help the amusement I felt. "Really? What's your tell on me then?" Wes had a thoughtful look on his face as he leaned back himself, continuing to peer at me with a swirl of emotions behind his eyes. His grin didn't falter. "I think... you're humble. You're kind to everyone, even to people who don't deserve your kindness." I leaned forward, resting my chin on the palm of my hand with my elbow propped on the table. I smiled played on my lips as he continued. He licked his lips, pausing for a moment. "I think you drink way too much coffee but it doesn't bother when you can't sleep at night because it gives you more time to stay caught up on your workload." I chuckled softly, tilting my head. He wasn't wrong. "Hmm, that's all the easy stuff anyone can see. That's all you got, pretty boy?" Wes quirked an eyebrow as he smirked at me, seeming to love the challenge I was offering. "Oh I can go on, sweetheart." "Please do," I retorted in the same smug tone. "Let's see how much stalking you've been doing." "I wouldn't call it stalking," he drawled cheekily. "Just consider me fascinated. Captivated, if you will." I rolled my eyes playfully at his comment. "And what has that fascination allowed you to pick up?" "Fine," he gave in. "You're a total softie. You're very sensitive but you don't show it, at least you try not to but sometimes you can't help it. You're way too nice for your own good. You don't give people shit even when they badly deserve it." My eyebrows furrowed slightly. "What do you mean?" I couldn't help but be curious as to why he saw me like this. I didn't know if he was necessarily wrong either. Wes shrugged, his features remaining soft but the look on his face growing more thoughtful and somber. "Well for example, when your so-called boyfriend is being a total piece of shit, you don't get mad, you get hurt. Even if you should be furious and beyond aggravated, you still allow yourself to feel hurt and maybe even guilty even if it's not your fault. You hide it but it's clear in your eyes." He paused for a moment, narrowing his eyes as he continued to analyze me. "You also don't lash out, you remain calm and try to keep the situation at bay when really, Nate is the type of guy who deserves more than a lash out. He needs a few slaps to the face, maybe an ass kicking." I sucked in a breath, a sheepish look on my face. I couldn't help but chuckle because Wes was actually right. "Sometimes I do want to knock him upside the head." Wes grinned softly. "That's a start." I pursed my lips for a moment, peering at him thoughtfully. "Is that why you weren't bothered when I snapped at you earlier?" Wes tilted his head as he looked at me. His eyes were soft and full of unreadable expression. The way he looked at me almost made me squirm. Maybe it was from the absence of Nate looking at me like he actually noticed me or cared about me. "Well," he drawled slowly. "I might have seen a bit of your... struggle trying to get through to Nate tonight. I actually wanted to come by and see you much sooner, maybe even throw a punch in his direction. I just didn't think that would do anything to help matter." I blew air out into my cheeks, my face flushing from how much attention Wes paid. It was... flattering. It made feel slightly giddy. Maybe I was just taken aback by it. "Well," I smiled weakly. "It looks like the only person oblivious to our relationship problems is Nate himself." Wes paused, grimacing slightly. "I don't know, Fi. I don't think he's oblivious." "You don't?" My eyebrows pulled together. Wes shook his head softly, looking like he was refraining from saying more. "I think he's avoiding confronting it." I nodded my head slowly in understanding. I looked past Wes with a sigh, feeling worn out from all this relationship drama. I didn't even want to be talking about Nate to begin with. I snapped myself out of it. "Anyways," I looked at Wes with a mischievous smirk dancing its way onto my face. "Enough of this depressing talk. Just because my love life is going up in flames, does not mean yours has to come to a halt." "What?" Wes laughed, seeming confused. "Come on, let's test out this match-making business." Surprise flashed across his face. "Seriously? You want to... do that right now?" His lack of enthusiasm and interest took me by surprise and confused me a little. "Of course," I laughed. "It's a Friday night and this pub has got a lot of pretty girls keeping it busy. Let's find you someone. After all, we did decide I would play cupid." Wes peered at me intently, a small smile resting on his face as he looked at me. "You're... something else, Fia. And I mean that in the best of ways." I ignored the heat that had made it's way onto my cheeks. "What do you say?" Wes sucked in his bottom lip in thought before shrugging weakly. "Let's see you work your magic." I grinned, my eyes lighting up with excitement as I stood up. I took Wes's arm and guided him to the bar with me. "What are we doing?" He leaned down to whisper into my ear, a shiver going down my spine as his warm breath fanned my ear. Ignoring that, I mouthed "trust me" to him. We stood by the bar for a few minutes, ordering drinks as I subtly glanced around. Wes gave me an odd look before leaning closer to me and speaking quietly, "What are we waiting for?" I sighed at his lack of patience. "Let me have my fun with this, pretty boy. Look," I tilted my head to the left where a gorgeous blonde haired beauty was subtly trying to sneak glances at Wes. I wasn't surprised because he was a gorgeous man himself. Wes quirked an eyebrow, giving me a questioning look. "And?" I licked my lips, a smirk etching on my face. "Come on, just go talk to her." I spoke in an intended louder voice, almost wanting to laugh at how obvious I was making this. Wes's eyes went wide. "Fia," he gritted, giving me a horrified and confused look. "What are you doing? If I needed to be my own wing-man I would go talk to her directly." He spoke in a hushed voice, giving me an upmost confused look. I refrained from rolling my eyes. "Wes," I spoke though gritted teeth, smiling sarcastically at him. "Trust me, okay. Why do you have to kill the entertainment?" Wes gave me an odd look, still utterly confused but I didn't give him a chance to say anything else. "My God, Wes! Why are you getting so shy now?" Again, I raised my voice as I spoke in a sickly sweet tone. The blonde girl kept glancing over at us, a blush apparent on her face. I dramatically groaned aloud before turning around and confidently approaching the girl. "Hi," I spoke sweetly, keeping a friendly smile on my face. The girl's face was beet red. Confused, she rubbed the back of her neck as she shyly looked at me. "Hi?" "This might be a little abrupt but my friend over there," I jabbed my thumb behind my shoulder in Wes's direction. "Has been trying to work up the courage to talk to you all night. It's getting really late and my girlfriend's waiting up on me so I have to bounce but maybe you can keep him company? If you're not busy or anything." The girl blinked, clearly surprised by my forwardness. "Wait, really?" I nodded firmly, keeping a bright and friendly smile on my face. "Yeah. He's totally a great guy. Sometimes I swear he makes me wish I was straight." I let out a forced laugh, continuing to play off whatever this character was. The girl's cheeks continued to glow brightly as she bit down on her lip to fight back a smile. "You think he's really interested?" "Girl!" I gaped at her like she was speaking gibberish. "Hell yes! He's been eyeing you all night, I didn't fail to notice. I would've given you my own number but from the way you've been eyeing him, I'm assuming you don't swing that way." The girl let out a sheepish laugh, her face as red as a tomato. "Wow," she exhaled. "I'd love to talk to him..." I could tell she was shy. "Great!" I exclaimed. I turned and grabbed Wes's arm, taking him by surprise as I pulled him over. "Wes meet..." "Rosie," the girl smiled shyly at him, peering up through her eyelashes. "Rosie, this is my friend Wes." Wes gave me an odd look before quickly looking at Rosie. "It's really nice to meet you, Rosie." Rosie giggled. "Same goes." I smiled, satisfied with my well done work. It also got me my source of entertainment for the night. all was right in the world. I patted Wes on the arm, smiling softly. "I'll see you later." "Wait, Fi-" I didn't wait for him to give me a proper good-bye as I started to head out so I could call an Uber for myself. Looks like I was a good wing-woman after all.

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