The doctor's appointment was set for 12 and by 11:58 I was ready to hightail it out of the hospital parking lot. I'm terrified to know the truth- I know Logan says he will love this child but we all say things until we're faced with reality and I don't want to see the disappointment on his face when he realizes he is going to have to take care of someone else's child.
'We don't have to do this." He cast a sideways glance at me, 'We can go home and watch a movie or something."
'No," I shook my head, 'I need to know or I'm just going to worry about it."
'I'll be right there with you." He assured me.
I finally stepped out of the car and let him lead me into the hospital. We were about three minutes late but the doctor didn't seem to mind.
She was a short plump woman. She had her salt and pepper hair tied up in a bun and really kind blue eyes. She gave me an itchy blue hospital gown to change into and showed me to the bathroom where I could do so. She looked so familiar that I stared