Driving with Logan was weirdly nice. There was silence but it wasn't the same kind of silence I had with Jake where I didn't speak because I didn't want to upset him so he wouldn't hit me. It was actually comforting and it gave me enough time to watch him through the corner of my eyes.
I never knew how hot it was to watch someone drive.
‘Cut it out you perv.' I yelled at my inner subconscious.
When I got to the daycare I almost expected things to be weird between Diana and I but she pretended like last night never happened and we fell into a familiar pattern.
'When are you baking next?" she asked from where she was changing a child's diapers and I shrugged.
'I don't think I'm going to bake anymore."
'But why not?" she all but yelled making the child in front of her start to squirm, 'Sorry; why not?"
'I don't know how kindly Logan would take to me messing up his kitchen," I began, 'I'm already living in his house and I don't want to make it any worse by intruding on his space."