The stream was about five minutes away and I immediately jumped in and tore my dress off and let it float downstream.
True to Aubrey's words there were some clean clothes and I quickly put them on and continued my journey.
I don't know how far I ran but I ran until I came to a busy street and from the smell that assaulted my nose I knew it was dominated by humans. I can blend in here and no one will ever find me.
I made my way over to the payphone but cursed when I realized I didn't have any money on me.
'Are you okay dear?" I heard a woman ask from behind me and I turned and gave her a small nod.
'I am thank you." I said with a small smile.
'I think I have a few coins here if you need one," she said as she rummaged through her purse and handed me a quarter. 'You look like you're lost."
'It's my first time in the city and I want to call my brother," I lied and she gave me a nod, 'Thank you for the quarter."
She just waved me off and continued on her way. I slipped in the quarte