I know I'm dreaming but somehow I can't get myself to wake up.
I don't know where I am; the entire place is filled with some kind of purple fog. It's like the fog is a cage keeping me in.
A loud rattling sound caught my attention and I was able to see a tiny gap through the fog. I reached forward but jerked back when something slammed against the fog; rattling the entire place.
The thing kept attacking the fog cage; slamming into it over and over again. I don't know how I know but if it breaks through; I'm dead.
'Charlotte." I jerked away at the mention of my name and Logan looked down at me with worry. 'What happened?"
'It was a bad dream." I managed out as I recounted the events of the dream. 'What do you think it is?"
'It's probably the witch." He frowned, 'But what does she want?"
'We need to see Hunter." I began and he scoffed, 'Logan please; we need to talk to him to be able to go through with this."
'I don't like this idea,"
'I don't either; but we have to."
He thought