I don't know how long these tunnels have been here but I think that it's been a couple of years.
It smells like rotten eggs and dirty socks.
A deadly combination.
I keep running into spider webs too.
I'm lucky that I don't have arachnophobia.
"Ew, I ran into another spider web" Kayden whines from behind me
"Shut up, your voice is echoing" Carolina whispers to him before she continues walking beside me
Carolina and I somehow haven't ran into any webs while Kayden runs into one every couple seconds.
"I think I see a light" I whisper as my eyes land on a yellow dot
"What if we die trying to find an exit?" Kayden questions which causes Carolina and I to stop walking and turn to face him
He's really thinking about this now.
"Like the saying 'I would rather die trying'" he says
Carolina walks over to Kayden and places her hand on his shoulder.
"I'll give you free slushees for a year if you stop talking right now" She says with a calm tone that has an edge.
She quickly turns awa