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Brooke stared at her reflection in the tinted window of her car, she admired herself. She was pretty right? It was all his lost, he just loosed a lifetime jack pot. "Connor thinks he is really smart huh? He is going to pay this, sooner or later. " she murmured to herself. As the engine purred to life and she drove out of the parking lot, the city lights gleaming in her reaview mirror as she sped into the night. Brooke's heels clicked against the pavement as she approached XS Nightclub, the pulsing music beckoning her inside. A velvet rope was pulled aside for her without a word, and she stepped into the throng of dancers, her gaze sweeping the room for Hunter. He was different from all the men she had encounter previously, they all come into her life to destory but his mision was different, he came to make sure she always felt safe even in her hardest time, he made her feel comfortable, small flicker of defiance flared to life in her chest pushing the memory of Connor and the crazy scenerio at the board room away. Tonight, was about something different, celebrating her power and her self worth. A cocktail waitress, adorned with a sparkling headpiece and a bejeweled choker, greeted her politely releasing a genuie smile. "Welcome to XS Nightclub, Ms. Madison. I reserved a table for you at the VIP section. The crowd parted for her as she made her way through the throng of Influencial and Important people, their eyes following her every move. For a moment, she was suppose to feel nervous but she was used to such scene. At her table, Madison found Hunter waiting for her, a bottle of Winston in hand and a devious smirk at the conner of his lips. He was different from all the men she had encounter previously, they all come into her life to destory but his mision was different, he came to make sure she always felt safe even in her hardest time, he made her feel comfortable, small flicker of defiance flared to life in her chest pushing the memory of Connor and the crazy scenerio at the board room away. Tonight, was about something different, celebrating her power and her self worth. "Well, if it isn't the most powerful and beautiful woman in the city. The Pride of America! " Hunter yelled, applauding her as she tried not to laugh. She was already use to his tease and naughty embarassment. He slides a shot of winston across the table, raising his glass for a cheer. "To life, power and succesion." Madison smirked and lifted the shot glass, the cool liquid sliding down her throat like a silken promise. As she savored the heat of the winson, she let herself relax for the first time in days. Silence swift the atmosphere as Hunter stared at her in shock. He knew something was bothering her and she was really ashamed to speak up. She never hides anything from him, most especially if it's work related. " He left right? " He asked breaking the silence, she still remained at her position without blinking nor saying a word. "Tell me, Maddy. What's really going on?" Madison hesitated for a moment, her facade faltering as she weighed the cost of revealing the truth against the burden of secrecy. With a deep breath, Madison turned to face Hunter, her eyes raw with emotion. "I was played, Hunter. By Connor. He used me to get what he wanted, and then he discarded me. Just like that. You were right Connee, he was indeed no good to me. He made me a pawn in a cheese board. " The tears began to well in Brooke's eyes, the weight of everything she'd been holding inside suddenly becoming too much to bear. She poured it all out on Hunter's shoulder. "You warned me about him I never Listened....I...I...I thought we were a...a thing, he gave me hope and assurance about us. I was willing to do anything to make sure it works out but no........I....was t...too ignorant..to.....n....noticed I was played. " She said in a trembling voice, tears rolled down her cheecks like river swifting over a sandy soil. Hunter pulled her close, wrapping his arms around Madison's shoulders in a pctive embrace. "He doesn't deserve you, Maddy. He never did. You're better off without him." "I should have known better, Hunter," Madison whispered into her friend's shoulder, the words bitter and laced with regret. "I let myself get swept up in the glamour and the excitement. I ignored the warning signs, the little red flags that were waving in my face from day one." Hunter gave a small, sympathetic nod. "You were caught up in the moment, Madison. It happens to the best of us. But you can't beat yourself up over it. All that matters is how you move forward from here." Madison's shoulders slumped, her tears finally giving way to a shaky sigh. Amidst the thumping beats and the flashing lights, Brooke's gaze fell on the man at the corner of the bar, his back to her but with a certain air of confidence that was impossible to ignore. His dark hair was styled in an artfully messy way, and his tailored suit exuded an air of sophistication that caught her attention. He was nursing a drink, seemingly lost in thought, but Madison could feel his presence even from a distance. She went over to his table giving him a crafty smile. She wants him for tonigjt and would do everything to make him hers tonight. "You look like you're out for a good time tonight," he said, his voice low and smooth. "I'm not just looking for a good time," Madison said, her voice dripping with seduction as she leaned in close, her perfume enveloping him. "I'm looking for you. Tonight, you're mine." The man cocked an eyebrow, his smirk widening. "And why would I agree to that?" he asked, his eyes sweeping over her with a smoldering gaze. Madison's confidence never wavered. "Because you can't resist the challenge. And because I'm offering you something no one else here can: me." The man stood his ground, his posture exuding the perfect mix of confidence and disinterest. "You're going to have to do better than that, love. I'm not a toy to be played with." Madison's gaze hardened, her determination palpable in the air between them. "I'm not playing. I know what I'm doing." He gave a low chuckle, his dark eyes flashing with amusement. "So do I. And what I know is that you're trying to use me to fill a hole that won't be filled so easily." Madisons eyes glittered with defiance. "You're right, I do have a hole to fill," she replied, her voice low and sultry. "But I'm pretty sure you're up for the challenge. Unless you're scared. The man's expression darkened, his gaze turning predatory as he considered her words. "I'm never scared. But I don't play second fiddle to a rebound fling. You're going to have to do better than a simple dare if you want to keep my attention." Madison's lips curved into a satisfied smile as she saw his resolve waver, his stance shifting ever so slightly. "Well then, how about we play a game?" she said, her voice low and seductive. "Let's see who can make the other beg for mercy first. Winner takes all." It all sounded as music to his ears, and he nodded once, slowly. "You're on. But don't say I didn't warn you, princess. Micheal Carson never loses to anyone not even to the president himself."

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