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Chapter 5 - Watch your back

Watch your back (.....9:00pm, Royals Estate, Miles Road, South Falls City.) Brian was seated in his private office. He had rushed towards the office he used in his mansion immediately he got home. They had been delayed on the highway by an unusual traffic that same night making them reach home later than he expected. He was in the most favourite part of the house which was also his study and go - to - room where he usually buried himself whenever he wanted to stay away from the world to work and do his research.....or rest. Should he say rest, he hardly had rest, always busy running around to get things done. The large room had piles of different books arranged neatly on the long shelf and it had a door behind it which led to another room that no other person knew about. Staring at the wall clock, he made for the drawer and dragged a blue file out. It contained some important things about the business which he wouldn't want to be lost or get into the hands of the wrong people. There were two bodyguards stationed outside his door and some of them spread across the huge mansion. But he didn't k hinow why, he still felt very uneasy. It was probably because of what had happened earlier on the street today. He was buried in the books and papers scattered all across the mahogany table which his younger brother, Anthony had gifted him to use in his ' Home Office' and it was the perfect furniture he could have asked for. " Brrrr..." Just then, his phone lying on the table under a sheet of paper rang very loudly interrupting his thoughts " Who's calling me again now?" He asks as he takes the device to access it and answer his burning question. It was an unknown number. The chills returned instantly. Standing up from his seat, he went pacing around the room. Calls like this could mean two things for someone like him. 'A Business Deal Closing or Death Threat' He answered it anyway and recorded the call as he placed it to his ears. " Hello" he said to the stranger " Well, Hello Bradford" the voice at the other end called. He could not make out the strange caller who had been threatening him for a while now. The idiot had used another number today and he always masked his voice using a voice modifying software. He sounded more like a robot than a person so no one could tell who he was. He had tried tracing his IP address all to no avail. The jerk used a burner phone to make his empty threats. Except, they weren't empty anymore, he had seen it play out just a few hours earlier on the cold street. " Who the hell are you? Brian asks him in the calmest way that he could. He didn't want to give out his fear. " What the hell do you want? " The stranger only let out a mocking laugh. " Why don't you guess?" The deep and husky voice asked him. How the hell would he expect him to know who he was. " Look.. " Brian says to him " I know you were the one who tried to kill me today. You sent an assassin to do the job but here I am still talking to you. " " Yeah.....and unfortunately he failed his job. But not to worry, I'm still coming for you." The person says to him. " Watch your back CEO," He added, laughing hysterically. Brian felt beads of sweats pouring down his pores instantly. " No...You watch your back" he retorted to the stranger. He wasn't totally hopeless as they had caught his aide and he was probably getting bashed by John right now in the cell should he fail to give out any information. " Your stupid assassin is in the police station now. You should be scared because he will lead us to you. " " You watch your own back" More laughter erupts from the other line and Brian could only wonder whether what he just said now had any iota of humor in it. " That is never going to happen. " the stranger said instead. " We'll see about that," Brian says in return to him. He trusted John to deal with hard crooks like him. " You can't hide in the shadows forever, Scaredy Pants" he mocked his enemy instead and that didn't go so well. " We'll see who the real Scaredy pant is once I lay my hands on your cute little princess" the voice says now to him laughing. " She's so beautiful and fresh.... I want so badly to have a taste of her....." " Shut the hell up!" Brian yelled at him. They could have any other talk but not the one that had to do with his Lalisa (Olivia). She was all he had got. " You know I can have her to myself that's why you sound really scared now like you've just seen a ghost " " And I can see her. She's having the time of her life right now " he says to Brian who didn't quite understand the gibberish he was saying. " What do you mean you can see her?" " What if I take her just now and then?" " Till we meet again Bradford" he said and hung up the phone. " Wait!" Brian yelled, he still wanted to get more explanation. What did he just say about seeing Olivia? He must be crazy or was their house tapped? Just last week he had ordered some men to remove any of the tapping devices. Olivia was in her bedroom now or....... " George!" He yelled at his personal bodyguard who had brought him home. Going out of his study, he calls the maids and asks for his daughter. " Where is Lalisa?" He yelled " Is she not upstairs?" Lalisa was the name they call her at home. " Miss Lalisa went out this night with her friends " a maid who mustered courage spoke up. " What?" Nicholas asks, looking very angry, his face red with pure shock. He had thought she was in the house all this while not knowing that she wasn't even in the premises and was probably God knows where. " Shit!" He cussed as he tried her number but it wasn't reachable. He had been trying it on his way home but to no avail so he thought she was asleep already as she was an early sleeper. " What the hell is happening? Why did no one tell me she left? " " George!" He roared " Yes Sir!" " The stranger just called and spoke about my girl. You guys should go out now and bring her back home.... Safe and sound. " " Yes sir!" The bodyguards chorused and rushed out of the building to search for the young mistress. 'God, where in the world did this girl go?' He thought within himself, feeling very scared. Her number was still not reachable and it made him worry. Where was she? Who was the strange caller? And had the strange caller captured her truly like he claims?

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