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CHAPTER 90 The Echoes of Unsung Heartbeats

Lily and Alexander were known Cosmic Guardians who traveled through space to various planets and galaxies beaming the loving energy of light for peace and harmony. They had traveled to the very edge of creation and seen the moment when stars were born and galaxies died. However, when they got near a particular part of the universe, they experienced something quite unusual from what they were used to. Ahead of them lay a nebula of great splendor, its play of brilliant colors reflected in the image of the Kaleidoscope of Eternal Devotion. But there was something different about this celestial wonder - it pulsed with a rhythm that seemed almost. .. alive. When they got closer, Lily and Alexander felt the familiar desire of bringing the car to a halt, to feel this unheard of wonder one more time as different people. Their forms, still bearing the aura of the Guardians, appeared before them. “Alex,” Lily whispered, ‘Did you hear that?’ Alexander nodded, and he looked wide-eyed at Luke,

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