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CHAPTER 67 The Kaleidoscope of Endless Possibility

It was a glimmer and responsibility that reflected from the eyes of the family of cosmic guardians – Zara, Elian, Maya, and Liam – who had a new reality and were living NEXUS points. They had transformed into a link between the sheer number of entities in the Multiverse and their existence, ensuring they led it with the utmost caution and prudence. Zara could see ripple effects of causality humming through her existence, every choice and reaction echoing in a myriad of realities. She stared in awe at the flow of possibility ; at the multitude of roads that forked out from every instance. ‘It is as if we are in the middle of the kaleidoscope and we can see how everything is changing constantly as we turn it around,’ she whispered. He did, and looking at him as he became a beautiful artist, he nodded at the realization that they were now in a new state. “We are the possibility, in which the light of existence is reflected back upon itself, so that we can see the infinitude of beauty

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