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CHAPTER FIFTY-ONE The Whisper of Worlds

Ages and ages gone by in mere moments as Lily and Alexander who now are avatars of love and light, moved through the multiverse of their existence. It had turned into the pulse of creation, caring for realities, which inspired many beings throughout their never-ending existence. When young they spun around a newborn galaxy, sowing stardust that would eventually birth worlds and civilizations, Lily stopped. In a manner that was new to her, her celestial skin glowed and her body stiffened. ‘Alexander,’ she said softly, ‘Can you hear that?’ Alexander in tandem with his eternal companion, having developed sensitivity, which is beyond the capability of mortal creation, directed his cosmic senses. First, there was just the background, all the sounds that are out there – the cosmic microwave background radiation, the song of pulsars, the whispers of gravity waves. But then, beneath it all, he got it – or he thought he did – there was this murmur so faint that one could hardly hear i

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