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CHAPTER THREE Secrets and revelations

Days following Henry Collins' visit to Lily, everything passed in a blur of activity and feeling. The strange inventor had promised to return soon with more specific ideas about how to duplicate the mirror's time-traveling abilities, but he had left behind an abundance of notes and theories. Meanwhile, at Harrington Estate, Lily was falling into a pattern. From this point on, days consisted of both deep historical reflection and contemplation. Lily went for an early walk one beautiful morning while the dew was still gleaming on the well-kept grass. The aroma of the surrounding flowering roses in the gardens filled the air, making it feel revitalizing and fresh. Rounding a corner in the hedge maze, she nearly collided with Alexander, who seemed to be as surprised by her presence as she was by his. "Miss Thompson!" he exclaimed, a warm smile crawling across his face. "You're up bright and early, I see." Her heart was fluttering in response, and Lily smiled back. "Good morning, Lord Harrington. Yes, I've always loved the tranquility of an early morning. Though I must say, they're far more enjoyable here than in my time. The air is cleaner, somehow." Alexander's face turned contemplative. "I forget sometimes how very different your world must have been. Tell me, What do you miss the most about your time?" The question surprised her. She had kept herself so occupied trying to adjust to this century that she had not allowed herself to think about what she had lost. "Well," she said slowly, "I miss the convenience of modern technology, certainly. But more than that, I miss the freedom. As a woman in my time, I have opportunities that are unimaginable here." Alexander nodded, his blue eyes blazing. "I have thought about that a great deal since you arrived. The world you describe. It sounds wonderful and terrifying. But I can't help but wonder if it's not the natural progression of things." Like this, they continued to talk, and the more they spoke, the more comfortable Lily felt as she explained her way of life in the 21st century, her job as a historian, and her visions for the future. Alexander listened carefully and asked questions, which showed that he was much cleverer than she had realized at first. Since they were quite close to the house, Alexander abruptly came to a halt, staring at Lily with defiance.” Miss Thompson (Lily), there is something here that I must show you. Something that I think might pertain to your situation. Just for the heck of it, Lily trailed after Alexander into the house and up an exceedingly tight staircase that she didn’t know existed. This led them into a tiny round chamber located in one of the towers of the manor. It was filled with books, peculiar devices, and what seemed to be laboratory implements. “This is where my grandfather used to work,” Alexander whispered, as if he had something top secret to share. He was a somewhat peculiar fellow, interested in mystery and things that were off-beat.  ”I have never taken anyone through this room before, but I felt that you, in particular, might be interested. Lily's historian's heart began to race as she took in her surroundings: a treasure chest of information. Instead, her gaze first fell upon a truly enormous leather-bound tome on a central stand. As she got nearer, she noticed the resemblance, and her eyes widened upon realizing what was engraved on the cover. “This pattern,” she exclaimed, “is the same as the mirror that led me here.” “I assumed you might know it,” he said. “My grandfather’s journal mentions a ‘window to other times’ and is speaking of a thing that he came across during his travels.  He simply attributed it to the daydreaming of an old man, but now. Lily felt her mind go blank with the possibilities. Could Alexander’s grandfather have known about the time-traveling mirror? And if so, what other secrets might this room contain? They set to work immediately, studying the journal jointly, occasionally their shoulders brushing against each other in the cramped space of the library. That was the moment, actually, when Lily first became truly conscious of Alexander's presence: the feel of his chest against her side, the smell of his shaving lotion, the sparkling of his eyes when they were flipping through the pages of the journal—these all became a kind of intoxicating cocktail of interest in their studies and attraction. Day and night disappeared unnoticed as the mystery was gradually solved. When at last Emily found them, her face half-entertained and half-frustrated, Lily was surprised to notice that it was a long time past lunchtime. “Look at you!” Emily exclaimed. ‘I’ve been looking for both of you for a very long time. Where on earth have you been this morning?’ Alexander and Lily looked at each other and, without saying anything, agreed not to reveal the fact of the study’s existence for now. ‘Just talking about some good old days,’ Alexander said smoothly. “Of course, you know how Miss Thompson and I get when we start on such topics.” Good naturedly, Emily rolled her eyes. “Well, whether you two are carried away or not, you both need to eat.” “Luncheon is served!” During the walk to dinner, Lily could not get over the things she saw in the morning. The journal suggested areas where the fabric of time was thicker; perhaps it was possible to slip between eras. It was a promising clue, a lead that made her feel both hopeful and nervous. Lunch, however, proved to be much simpler and unpretentious: Alexander, Lily, and Emily talked about various things between them, yet Lily could not help but notice how often Alexander was looking her way, and when Emily glanced between them, there was clear interest. And there seemed to be an understanding between them—subtle yet palpable—that hadn’t been there before. The meal was finalized, and Emily stated that she would be going to the nearby village to meet her friend. Now Lily and Alexander were left alone, which gave them a few seconds of a serious, though not quite spoken, conversation. “Lily,” Alexander began once more to speak, his voice low and dangerous, “I find myself placed in an uneasy position. ” The more time they spend together, the more his voice falls away, as if he had no other words with which to go on. Her heart raced. She knew exactly what he wrestled to put into words, for she felt it too—the growing attraction, the deepening connection that surmounted time. But deep down, she knew the danger of such emotions. Any kind of relationship between them could have serious repercussions across the timeline. "Alexander," she said softly, using his first name for the first time. "I understand. Believe me, I do. But we have to be careful. The repercussions of anything happening between us. They could be enormous." He nodded, a look of understanding tempered with frustration crossing his face. "I know. And yet, I can't help but feel that your arrival here now must mean something. Perhaps this is where you're meant to be." The words hung between them, heavy with promise and danger. To Lily, the path ahead was nothing less than a twilight zone. Uncertain, it was fraught with impending disasters on the timeline. Yet, deep in Alexander's eyes, she couldn't help but be aware of the feel—those threads that attracted her not only to him but to this time, this place. As the grandfather clock in the hall struck the hour, Lily finally decided. Whatever lay ahead of her, whatever lay in line for her, she would take it front-on. The mysteries of the journal, the secrets of time travel, the growing feelings between her and Alexander—it was all part of a much greater adventure, one that she had hardly started realizing. With a deep breath, she turned and smiled at Alexander. "I think it is time we paid another visit to that study of yours. We have much work to do."

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