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CHAPTER THIRTY-EIGHT Roaring Twenties Romance

The golden light slowly receded to show a realistic view of New York at night with the sounds of jazz filling the air, and flappers clad in sparkly dresses. Lily shook her head slightly and looked around from her position in her beaded gown with bob haircut; Alexander straightened his pinstriped suit. ” The Roaring Twenties,” Lily echoed, her face lights up with enthusiasm. “New York City, 1925, right?” Alexander smiled and extended his arm for her to take his. “Why yes, my dear The roaring twenties, jazz, prohibition, and social change But let us go out and explore what our future holds. ”During one of the walks in the evening, while enjoying the energy of the city, two young people couldn’t help but appreciate the spirit of rebellion that seemed to reign in everything. Hidden doorways that led to secret bars, girls acting and dressing however they wanted wearing short kirtles and cropped hair, jazzy tunes blasting into the streets. Both of their focus was then shifted to so

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