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The shiny ship glided through the vast expanse of space, Flooding trillions of light-years with a new set of adventures for Lily and Alexander. Their recent experience in the temporal rift had shown them the effectiveness of working together and so they had come out stronger than before. Somewhere in the ship’s control room with holographic panels and pulsating light, they were filled with thoughts about the relationship they had. “Alexander,” Lily asked hesitantly, her tone of voice surprise tinged with curiosity, “don’t you ever think that we always manage to meet in every other timeline or parallel world we have ever been in?” Alexander looked at her and smiled; the affection that was shining out of his eyes was unmistakable. “I’ve had my share of pondering about this, my sweet, and I am certain that it is because what we hold dear is not love, but something much deeper.” Barclay was still explaining when the sensors on the ship started flashing. A vortex began forming on t

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