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CHAPTER TEN The Sands of Babylon

The sun was hot on the trio as they moved from one crowded part of ancient Babylon to the other. Lily’s historian training came to the rescue, and her gaze shifted from the blue-tiled gates to the ziggurat in the middle of the garden. ‘We have to be invisible,” Alexander whispered, observing their Victorian clothes. “You see, people are beginning to notice us because of the clothes we are wearing.” Emily simply smiled and looked around the marketplace. ”I will try to buy some of the local clothes in exchange for some items.” While Emily escaped, Lily and Alexander crouched behind the wall of the mud-brick house, engrossed with the journal. “The assassination is set to take place during the New Year’s festival.” Lily whispered, "A priest of Marduk will be a poisoned one, and there will be a change of power that will shift the fortunes of Babylon.” “But which priest? and how do I do it without causing more harm in the timeline?” Lily barely had the chance to answer when a scen

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