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CHAPTER 101 The Kaleidoscope of Eternal Devotion

As Lily and Alexander merged their essence and became the Nexus of Endless Love, a new perception of the world was gained. They had become the pulse of the multiverse, the source from which all types of love originated. Nevertheless, even in this stage of complete transcendency, the universe still revealed one more thing to them. Cosmically, they became aware of something by far beyond the Nexus, transcendent to their thinking. Before them stretched a wonderland that no human tongue has ever tried to paint: an unknown world of realities so vast that one could spend an eternity exploring the varieties of love. While witnessing this fear inspiring and marvelous scene, they began to feel the desire to regain their shape and become separate beings again. Lily and Alexander came into existence, their fingers naturally linking while gazing at the beautiful scenario. ‘Alex,’ Lily said, almost whispering and looking around with a complete bewilderment, ‘what is this place?’ Before Ale

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