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Chapter 3

Allesandro I came home at ten in the night after doing three emergency surgeries, a heart transplant, an angioplasty and a balloon therapy. Parking my Rolls Royce Phantom along with my other cars in the garage, I directly walk to my study dialling the number of my personal detective Jerom. Within ten minutes there was a knock at my study door and Jerom stood in front of me with his hands behind his back. I carefully read the contents in the file as I did not want to miss a single word regarding the scoundrel who tried to manipulate on my Sweet cakes. "Sir I did the best to discover and evacuate the culprit because what happened to Ms Edith Rodriguez was not a mishap but a planned attack. I am sorry sir, but I couldn't find anything wrong about Shelton Marshall." His voice goes meek at the end. I threw the file on the table with force. Wrapping my lips in a thin line I look at Jerom in ire making him to slightly jump on his feet. "Do anything and everything, I don't care. I want you to dig out every mysterious hole about that bastard. Culminating him should be a clean sweep without a third eye making a note of it." "Sir, I will check on him again and this time I will put my complete security behind him to have the best detection of his loggerheads." He told me going stiff. I pull out the cheque book from the bottom drawer and scribble my signature on it. "Here are one million dollars for you to start the excavation. I want all traceable dirt on him with proofs." I emphasize on my last words with rising rage and stood up with my hands in my pant pocket. This is the matter about Edith and I don't take things lightly when it is concerned about her. This muck acts like the best boyfriend but no issue is right regarding him. "I will put strong vigilance on him sir. This time I won't miss anything." Jerom said in a professional voice with a bow and walked out of the door. I walk to the bar to make a drink when I hear my phone beeping on the table beside. "Hi Bro, what's up man?" I hear Charles enthusiastic voice. We exchange greetings and talk for some time. "You are taking care of Edith's security because I am in and out of the country. I know I am causing you a lot of trouble..." I cut him off before he speaks further. "Edith is my responsibility as much as yours because I love her." I wanted to add for my best friend to hear but control myself in the last moment before I do the irrevocable mistake. "I need one more help from you now." "No problem, tell me what is it?" I ask him sipping scotch from the glass. "Edith will stay in your house for a year to complete her graduation. She joined the collage late because of chicken pox and now the campus accommodation is already full." He tells me tiredly. "You know I cannot make her stay somewhere else in the city because of security issues." Heebie-jeebies already crawl on my skin. "Its okay man...Edith will stay with me in my house." I assure him with snigger as my heart inwardly dances in joy. One year with my sweet cakes. Edith According to the imperious and despotic instructions of my bossy brother I was waiting for Allesandro in the collage reception area. He lives in Newyork. How can he come to California to pick me up? I wanted to ask my brother but one word extra and he can transform into an irritating monster. So strong is the ire flowing like blood in his nerves. The winter in California was very high. I suffered Chicken pox recently with high fever. Probably because of which my system went low and I am feeling the chills of this cold weather. I drove from home today morning to my collage hostel putting on a thin cardigan but now that it is dark, I am feeling the coolness much more. I set all the woolens piled on my bedside table and forgot to pack them in the last minute. I curse myself for being so forgetful for which I am bearing the consequences. Feeling hungry I was about to pass out from the growling of my stomach and the freezing body. Finally shivering myself in the cold I undertake the bold step to go to the college cafeteria which is an open air restaurant on the top floor. At least one problem - the growls of my empty stomach can be taken care off. I walk to the elevator in trembling steps when I took a note of sleek black car Aston Martin One-77 come to a halt right in our college premises and just outside the entrance where I was standing. My eyes continue to witness the unfamiliar incident as I stay stationed to meet a pair of perfectly polished black shoes to kiss the ground. There was a sudden commotion précising the atmosphere like a spread of wild fire in a thick forest. Humanity observes him with silence and shock as though worshipping him like a Venus for his ranking handsomeness. He was dressed in perfect black suit. His consummating tan skin skilfully matched his attire giving him an elite look. The crisp white shirt tugged graceful underneath accurately matched the ink blue tie that adorned his neck. His sky blue orbs were sharp like the tip of an arrow looking around as if to capture the habitat and mark his place like a king ruling a huge nation.  He got out of car taking swift dominant steps.  Girls were gawking at him without blinking an eye and boys were gaping dominated by his aura of power.  His long sharp strides radiated confidence, might and valour. As soon as he entered the corridor the clamour changed into a sudden pin drop silence. People moved out of his path some wishing him and other still staring at him quietly acclaiming his mien under their blinking eyes. Allesandro speaks something to the girl in the reception and she immediately rushes inside the principal's office. The principal came out in hurried steps. He shook hands with him in complete reverence and welcomed the most popular cardiac surgeon Allesandro Martin into his office with complete exaltation. Within a few minutes I was called and the principal gave a look to the peon standing at the entrance. He rushed to the adjacent room coming back within seconds with two bottles of champagne. "Drinks… some other time Mr Peter James. I am already running late to Newyork and my chopper is waiting for me since last two hours." Sandro declines the principal's offer politely and looks at his Rolex tucked under the sleeve of his flangible shirt. I was greeted inside the office when both of them make a hearty laugh sharing a light moment. "I am extremely sorry Mr Martin. As you know my hands are tied. I cannot force a student to vacate at the college hostel to create a room for Ms Edith Rodriguez." Sandro shook his head waving off at the contrived features of the Gray haired old man. "I can understand your situation Mr James and I'm not complaining." He assured. I sat in the chair adjacent to Sandro and that's when he looks at me for the first time after his head turn visit to my collage in the last half an hour. Something sparkled in his eyes.  He puts a hand on my shoulder as though he would root out answers of questions he wanted from me. "Sweet cakes, are you okay?" Sweet cakes, so I am still Sweet cakes for him, the pet name he gave me when I was five because I loved cakes. There flashed the penitence in his eyes as he touched me but he quickly covers it with a warm smile.  "Shall we move now?" His vision crawls to my legs that were shaking and his eyes lift up again compunctious to meet mine. Now I know what he wanted to know by holding my shoulder. He was checking the uneasiness going in my body and I guess he got the answers. My body went to tingles encapsulated in the flavours of his touch. His alluring perfume of hue and lime wafted in the air. So he still remembers me after all these years. The stay at his house in Newyork is going to be fascinating.

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