Three months later
It was Sunday and Charla is on leave. I was making spaghetti for me and Edith when I hear my telephone ring in the living hall. God, let this not be a call from the hospital. Today I not only have to feed but also cook for my little wife. I cannot afford to make Edith cook in the house. Last time she attempted to do the feat, the house was almost on fire. I had to use my influence and several of my important contacts to send the fire department workers away from my house without making an issue.
I reach the front hall and look at my phone to see Charles name blaring on the screen. I breathe out a sigh of relief and press the answer button. On the other end of the line I hear the cheerful voice of my brother-in-law. "Hey man how are you and how is life with my little sister?" I run my hand on my neatly gelled hair suddenly going drained. "Do not ask me that." He chuckles loud as I cut the last carrot to put it in the already steaming pan for making us t