The next day I get a call from Regina. Our exams date list had been announced and they are to start within a month. I had already completed my preparations and so there wasn't a need to worry.
I call Sandro and tell him the excited news of my stay with him for the tests but I was sceptical if my dad would agree for me to stay in his house since my marriage is already fixed. "Tell your dad about your examinations and I'm sure he wouldn't deny your stay with me." He speaks sanguine giving me the tranquillity I desired most for the moment.
I get down the stairs, show dad the notification that I got in my mail box and did a double take when he offered me on his own to stay in Sandro's house. I wonder how Sandro goes completely sure regarding my matters. "Dad I wish my wedding doesn't intrude with my internals." I open my concerns to my father because I did not wish to settle in low grades after doing so much of hard work throughout the year.
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