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Chapter 8 - Looking for Cinderella

Noah had walked to his hotel room and was about to unlock the door when he stopped in his way. He couldn't go to bed. He didn't want to go to bed alone. He stood there for about 7 minutes contemplating his very next move. "You know what, fuck it" he said and walked down the hall, heading for Mia's room. He knocked gently on her door, no answer. She couldn't have possibly gone to sleep now, he knocked again. "Mia, it's me" he said and she opened the door. "Noah? What are you doing here?" He held her face and kissed her deeply. She struggled and pulled away from him, and she slapped him. "Have you lost your mind Noah?" She yelled. "I'm sorry Mia, I'm really sorry. I don't know what came over me" "Get out!" She pointed to the door. "I said get the fuck out Noah" she yelled, pushing him out the door. He tried to apologize, but she wasn't listening and she pushed him out and locked the door. Mia closed the door and resting against the door, she fell to the floor. She cared deeply for Noah and of course, she loved the way he touched her body at 50 shades but the approach? The approach was a trauma trigger for her. It was just like when James would drag her, pull her, hit her, make her do things she didn't want to do. She clenched her chest, crying bitterly. Noah leaned against the door, he heard her crying and it broke his heart, he walked back to his room feeling so ashamed and guilty, what had he done? How is he even going to make amends for this? Perhaps she truly was not the lady from 50 Shades or did he do too much. He was confused as well. "Why do they all have to be like this? This isn't the man I met at 50 shades, he didn't force me" she cried out as she curled up on the floor. She wiped her tears and got up from the floor. The next morning, Noah was at her door to apologize, he knocked gently, "Mia, Mia, it's me" there was no response "Mia please can you open the door, let's talk, please?" "Mia?" He said tugging at the doorknob when it opened all of sudden. He looked around the room, there was no Mia, no sign of her luggage, she was gone. He quickly ran downstairs, looking around for her frantically, but she was gone. Theo was chilling at home when his phone rang, it was Mia. "Hey Mia" "Hi Theo, are you busy right now?" "Not at all. Why?" "Can you come pick me up, I'm at the airport" "Okay give me 10" He stood up and hastily made it to the airport. He noticed Noah wasn't there with her. "Hey, how are you?" "I'm good thank you" "Where's Noah?" "He'll be joining us shortly" "Are you good?" He asked noticing her gloomy face and said countenance. "Yeah, thank Theo. I just want to go home" "Alright, let's get you home" He drove to her place, "Thank you once again Theo" "It's nothing, it's my job. Take care" She walked into her house and Theo drove away. Theo got a call, it was from Noah. "Hello Theo, have you seen Mia?" "Yes, I just dropped her off at her place" "I'm at the airport, please come pick me" "Okay, on my way" In about 8 minutes, Theo was at the airport. "How is she?" Noah asked. "What happened Noah? She was sad and gloomy " Noah explained to him what had happened, leaving out the 50 shades encounter. "I promised her I wouldn't tell you but" "But what?" Noah asked, Theo told Noah of what he saw at the mall, between James and Mia. Initially, they were headed to Mia's house, but they changed course for the mall James managed. Theo pointed out who James was, and Noah barged into the mall, "Are you James?" he asked angrily. "Who the hell is asking?" James replied And Noah punched him in the jaw, he carried him, and body slammed him on the floor. "Don't you ever put a hand on her again, do you understand?" Noah shouted. "Who? I don't even know you or who you're talking about" James begged. "What? How many girls have you hit that you don't who you hit" "Please, I'm sorry," James begged. "Mia Prior. You stay away from her; do I make myself clear?" "Yes Sir, yes sir, please" He wiped the blood off his clothes and Theo drove him home. Noah went straight for the bathroom to take a shower. Washing his hair and body thoroughly. "Theo, I need you to take me to Mia's place" he said after having his bath and getting dressed. "Okay Boss" Theo grabbed the Car keys and drove Noah. "The brown door on the left, that's her place" Theo directed. "Thank you" he said and got out of the car, and he walked up to her porch, and he rang the bell. "Hello. Who are you looking for?" An unfamiliar face asked him. "Good evening, I'm looking for Mia?" "Who are you?" "Please tell her Noah is here" "Okay. I'll be back" A few minutes later, Mia walked up to the door, she crossed her hands and kept a stern face. "Mia, I swear to you, I'm honestly not that kind of person to force things you don't want on you or hit you" "I never said you hit me, why are you talking about that" she asked, confused. "I'm just saying that I'm sorry and it'll never happen again" She kept silent and she slowly turned and walked back in. "Are you going to come in or not?" She shouted and he walked in and closed the door.

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