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CHAPTER FOUR BUT HE IS NOT READY TO LET HER GO THIRD PERSON NARRATIVE " May we all raise our glasses." Mr Collins said as he raised his glass of wine to the air. " To Mr and Mrs Smith Jones." The crowd all chorused. " May they live a long and healthy life." Mr Collins said And the guests drank from their glasses. Alessia saw the way her boss was so uncomfortable. He was so absent minded from the entire event and she doesn't know why. " Is he wishing for the night to be over like I am?" She asked herself for the hundredth time. She doesn't know if she should approach him or she should probably mind her business. She knows how much this business meeting means to him but if he's on edge then something must really get him so worked up. And finally the night was over. " Ah.. Demetrius." A man with his eyes glued on Alessia greeted the moment he covered the distance between them. " Hi! Mr Anderson." Shaking his hands Demetrius smiled. " And this must be the 'beauty with brains' I have heard so much about." Referring to Alessia. He took her hand and planted a gentle kiss on them, flashing her a gentle smile. " Hi!" Alessia returned the smile. " I am so sorry it took so long. You know how this things are." The man said " Oh yes I do. There is no need for the apologies." Demetrius smiled " Well then I suggest we all retire for the evening. Cause everyone should be exhausted by now. Then tomorrow we will talk business." Mr Anderson suggested Alessia was grateful to the heavens for the suggestion she needs to get rid of the heels. It is killing her! " Ah. Yes that would be just fine." Demetrius seconded the decision. " Alright then, see you all in the morning." Taking one last look at Alessia he smiled. " You, Miss Alessia I will personally see you tomorrow." He said smiling. Alessia felt a shiver down her spine she wasn't afraid or anything. But it is the way he said it. "I will see you personally tomorrow." Those words held a lot of meaning she can't begin to imagine. Demetrius couldn't believe the guts this guy has. To talk to his assistant in such a manner. But wait a second why does he feel the urge to punch this man on the face! " Well, that is it for the night." He says to Alessia Taking her by the hands they both walked away. ??????? All through the ride home Catherine kept thinking of her master. No matter what, she carries him in her heart always. She knew about his addiction, but not just his addiction she knew what those women did to him. She knew all that he has gone through in life including his painful childhood and past. The drugs they used on him and why he can't go a day without s��x. Many things could go terribly wrong. What could she possible do? She can't possibly go against her master's orders? That would be a death sentence. But yet again she knows he needs her. " Dante. Turn the car around. Take me to him." She commanded Hitting the breaks, immediately the car stopped. Dante took a good look at the brave young lady at the back seat of the car. Reading the expression in his eyes she saw the questions they hold. " I know Dante. But if I don't go, many things could go wrong. You and I know that." She said Dante said nothing. But his eyes said it all. He knows what she is talking about. It is only the most trusted servants knew about his addiction. Dante has been with Demetrius far longer than anyone has. So he shouldn't be told about his predicament. " Are you sure about this?" He had to ask. Because he also knows what the master is capable of if his instructions are not followed. Taking a very deep breath and thinking about this decision. Really think about it. She could get punished for this. But that didn't stop her. She had already made up her mind to do this. Whatever the consequences might be she will take it. " Yes Dante. Turn the car around." She said calmly rubbing her palm together. ??????? Walking beside him Alessia felt the ground should open up and swallow her up. She was uncomfortable walking side by side with her boss. She felt his on easiness from afar and she wondered, really wondered what was making him this way. Her boss she knows is a calm and a gentle person despite the rumors she has heard about his hatred for women. She wanted so much to speak to him. At least to get him to open up, if indeed it were possible. " Here is your room." He said the moment they stopped at the hallway. An inscription was boldly written four hundred and eight which happens to be the room number. Looking up at the number Alessia took a deep breath and said " Thank you." He said nothing rather than turn his back and started walking. " You seem so uncomfortable." Alessia finally spoke up. Pushing the fear at the back of her mind. He turned and looked at her. Really looked at her. If only she knows what he's going through right now. His entire body was on fire. His c��ck was beginning to hurt. He needs to blow the steam off right now. Looking at her again he finally said. " It is nothing to worry about. It is just the business meeting tomorrow that is getting me so worked up. You know how much this deal means to me. To my company." If it is one thing though he is right. This deal does mean a great deal to him and the company. Closing this deal would make him billions, millions and thousands of dollars. But still Alessia felt there is something he is not telling her. But yet again it is never in her place to ask. " Alright then. I guess I will see you in the morning." Smiling a bit he nodded his head and began walking again. " Good night sir." Her sweet and gentle voice said before she walked into the room closing the door behind her. Demetrius inserted the key into the door and turned. The door opened and he stepped into his room, turned on the lights and met the surprise of his life. " Catherine!" She was sitting on the bed of his room. " Catherine!" The shock mirrored on his face. " Master." Her head bent down staring at the floor. Looking around the room to actually be sure she is alone. Seeing as nobody else was there, he closed the door and walked deeper into the room. " What are you doing here?" He finally asked. " I.. uh.." she was suddenly lost of words. This wasn't how she pictured the night to be. She had pictured the night to be perfect and beautiful. Taking a good look at her, he took notice of the changes he saw. Like the red sexy transparent nighties she wore. That exposed all her body parts starting from her breasts to her sexy p��ssy. She wasn't puting on her panties so he saw everything. His body jumped up for joy. He thanked the heavens for this precious gift. But he had to keep his cool. At the corners of her eyes she saw how much he needed her. She saw how he was struggling to control his urges. And so she took the steps as her legs carried her. " I am very sorry master, for disobeying your orders." Her hands on the buttons of his shirt. " I knew you needed me. And so I took the risk. And for that I am sorry." Planting a kiss on his lips. Demetrius gave in to his urges. Demetrius sat on the edge of the table, and bends his legs at the knees, he widely spreads them apart and hangs them down from the tabletop. Catherine sits on his c��ck and takes the wheel. The Cowgirl on the table as he would puts it. Gives his mistress the right to write the rules. She sets the speed and tempo and Demetrius just helps her by moving his hips to penetrate deeper and feel the pleasure. Catherine puts one of her hands on her buttock. She wraps her second arm around his neck. And he began caress her buttocks with his palm, he kisses her neck and breasts. He then puts his free hand on the tabletop behind his back to stabilize his body. He had his wet mouth on her breast and began to s��ck on her erected nipples. " Ahh.. yes.." Catherine moaned into the air. His body was particularly on fire. If he doesn't have her now, he doesn't think he can ever will. And so he stood with his feet at shoulders width. As he made Catherine stand back to him, her legs are slightly apart and bent at her knees, while her body is bent forward, hands are pulled behind the back. Demetrius takes with his hands Catherine's wrists and penetrates in her from behind. " Oh shit.." his mourns filled the air. As he began thrusting faster and faster. " Oh yes master. F��ck me master.. please f��ck me. I am your sl��t. I am your slave." She moaned loudly. The sound of flesh against flesh was heard coming from the room. Thank the heavens his room is soundproof. Taking her from the floor to the chair. He made her sit on a chair with her hands grabbing its edges. She leans her body back a little and spreads her legs apart. He attaches himself between her thighs, as he puts the palms of his outstretched arms on the edges of the chair, next to Catherine's hands. His legs are driven so wide apart that the seat is completely between them. Catherine throws her shins on her master's buttocks. And with a deep thrust he plunded into her with a force of a thousand men. " Master...." She cried out. He planted a kiss on her lips as he kept ridding her like a monster. She tore her lips from his mouth and cried out " master I am cum..ming.." She yelled. Demetrius felt her hot cum all over his d��ck. She knew the moment she made the decision to come here, that it wasn't going to be easy. She had prepared herself mentally and physically. Because she knows at the end of this night she will wear the marks on her skin for days to come. But yet again she is doing this for him. He withdraw from her and commanded her to sits on the edge of the table. And Catherine did as she was commanded. She sat on the edge of the table takes her hands back and turns her palms in the opposite direction. Demetrius stood facing her, he takes her legs, lifts them up and throws them on his shoulders. His legs are shoulder width apart and slightly bent at the knees. His arms embrace his woman behind her back, pressing her hips even closer to his body. He started moving faster cause he was really close to climax. Catherine felt he was going to take her to hell and back. " Master.. I am close.." Catherine shouted as she released. " Gosh.. I am close.." Demetrius mourned as he kept thrusting deeper and deeper. The sound of flesh against flesh coupled with the scent of s��x in the air. One more thrust and he released his load of cum in her already tight wet p��ssy. ??????? Catherine laid naked on the bed highly exhausted with the s��x. Demetrius took a look at her, really looked at her. He cares for this woman despite his hatred for women. She took a risk even when he gave her a command. She saved him tonight and for that he has a surprise for her. He maybe her master but he is still human and he has a heart. This woman deserves someone who is going to love and care for her the way she should be loved. She needs someone to stand by her, protect and fight for her. But he is not ready to let her go just yet. Waving the thoughts away he laid beside her for the first time in his adult life. He wrapped his hands around her and closed his eyes. Drifting off to sleep.

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