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Chapter 9

  Louisa's POV   I grabbed a golf club from the golf cart and walked back to Lucas' Lamborghini.   "Louisa, please listen to me! Don't believe what you've seen. Believe what I tell you!"   "Shut up! You fucking liar!"   I swung the golf club at Lucas.   He dodged into the car, so I hit the door frame and left a dent.   "What the... Are you out of your mind?! Louisa, calm down!"   Bang.   Another strike on the roof of the car.   "This is the way you love a woman, huh?" I used the golf club to point at him.   Failed to reason with me, Lucas hid in the car and called for help, "Lucian! Brother! Do something!"   Lucian couldn't conceal his gloating smirk and shrugged, "I'm afraid restraining a mad woman with a golf club in her hand is beyond my payroll, Mr. Sigler."   Lucas gave up, trying to get out of the car.   "Louisa..." He said in a low voice, almost begging.   "Stop calling me! You dickhead!" I smashed the golf club so hard at the car that it broke into two halves.   I threw them on the ground and said, "Goodbye, you sucker! See you never!"   Then, I walked off without looking back.   -   At Lowe's Cupcake Shop.   "You're so late. Where have you been?" Peachy asked me with anger in her voice. "The TV doesn't work and I don't know how to fix it."   "Did you try to restart it?" I said in a low voice.   Peachy put a glass of water in front of me and said, "I've heard what happened last night. It's all over the place! How are you doing?"   "I feel like shit." I replied and swallowed down a whole glass of water.   "Boys can be so mean," Peachy said with sympathy.   "Tell me about it." I put down the glass and got changed into the uniform.   "If I were you, I would have called sick for today," Peachy said.   "Nope," I said. "I need the money."   I saw some girls sitting at the corner, snapping pictures of me.   "Is that her? The girl who got stripped last night?"   "Yes, it's her! Oh, shit. She's coming at us."   "Good afternoon, ladies. How can I help you?" I asked them bluntly, slapping a menu on their table.   They immediately put away their mobile and pretended to look at the menu.   I shot out a string of questions -   "What do you want? Red Velvet? Carrot Cake? My autographed nakey pics?"   Their faces turned red and left the shop in a panic.   "Great. Now we've lost our only customers." Peachy frowned at me at the cashier.   I sat in front of the bar and put my chin on the bar top, totally deflated.   "My life sucks," I said. "I'm going nowhere."   Peachy comforted me and put a hand over my back, "You're going somewhere. You will be a great surgeon in the future."   "I'm going to drop out if I can't pay for my student loan this month." I said in a dejected voice. "And Greg has just sent me a text, telling me to get out of his house."   "What?!" Peachy's eyes were wide open. "He can't do that!"   "He's got all the right in the world to do it." I said. "I'm not his daughter and it's his house. And I practically smashed a chair into him."   "That bad, huh?" Peachy said. "Do you have anywhere to go?"   I shrugged and said, "I can't afford the accommodation on campus. That's for sure. Even if I could afford it, with my nakey pics circulating online, I don't think I can survive. So currently, I'm looking for a place where nobody knows me."   "Oops. Customer's coming. Handsome alert." Peachy's eyes turned bright.   I looked back and...   Lucas Sigler?!   Is he following me or something?!   He walked inside and took a seat next to the window, stretching out his endless long legs.   During the whole process, he was looking at me.   He didn't take his eyes off me at all. Not for once.   I felt the veins popping out on my forehead.   "Excuse me." He waved at me and said. "May I order now?"   I was grinding my teeth as I picked up the menu and walked toward him.   I smashed the menu in front of him and asked in a cold voice, "What do you want?"   He picked up the menu and pretended to go through it.   "Mmmh... Everything looked delicious," he said. "What do you recommend, Miss Falco?"   I held my anger and said, "The Chocolate one."   "Really?" He looked up at me and asked. "Does it taste good?"   "Not really. It tastes like shit," I replied.   "Then chocolate it is!" He slapped the menu closed and displayed an ear-to-ear smile on his face.   I really wanted to push him into his stupid ass handsome face.   Just when I was about to walk away, he said, "Excuse me..."   I turned back and asked, "What now?!"   "Actually, I would like a cup of coffee to go with it?"   "Sure." I raised my eyebrow and said. "How do you like it? With sugar? Cream? Rat poison?"   He chuckled and said, "Use your imagination, Miss Falco."   "Is that man sitting there the famous college football star Lucas Sigler?" Peachy whispered to me.   I didn't answer, taking out a chocolate cupcake out of the display case.   "It's really him!" Peachy exclaimed quietly. "Lucas Sigler is sitting in my shop and I'm not wearing any make-up! Damn! Do you think I can go there and ask for an autograph?"   "You can ask his number instead. He's a male whore and he fucks whatever moves in front of him." I intentionally raised my voice, but it seemed that he didn't hear me at all.   Playing deaf with me?   I walked to him and threw the plate of cupcake on the table.   Then, I smashed the cake into a pie and said, "Enjoy your meal."   Lucas just sat there with a wry look on his face.   "Louisa, if you could please listen to me. It was a mistake this morning..."   I stared at him and said in a stern voice, "If I were you, I would shut up right now before someone poured a cup of coffee all over your head."   After that, I walked away into the kitchen without looking back.   When I came back with the cup of coffee, he had already gone.   There was an envelope next to the smashed cupcake.   Inside, there was a pile of a hundred dollar bills and a ticket.   And then, I saw the napkin with words left by him on the table -   "Keep this tip. Come and see my game tonight."   Next to it, there was a smiley face.   I rubbed the napkin into a ball so hard until that idiotic smiley face wrinkled into a sad one.   Then, I grabbed the envelope and ran out of the shop.   Standing on the busy street, I looked around.   He had already gone.   At that moment, I heard Peachy's voice coming from inside -   "Hey, Louisa! I fixed the TV!"   Her voice was interrupted by the local news -   "... And now for the headline today. Human remains found early this morning at Lagoon Park. Police said that at least six homeless people were brutally attacked by some sort of large canivore and they are looking for survivors and witness..."   What?! I was at Lagoon Park last night!

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