"Mr Armaan Verma?" Vikram Thakur asked as soon as Armaan opened the door of his suite.
"Yes. And you are?"
"Vikram Thakur. Someone very close to Janani and her family." Vikram Thakur said smugly
as he walked into Armaan's suite.
"So?" Armaan asked
"And I am here to talk about your decision to take Janani with you and your son to Mumbai"
Vikram said in a demanding voice and it didn't bode well with Armaan.
"I dont think it's any of your business Mr Thakur" Armaan said coldly
"It's Dr Thakur" Vikram corrected
"Yeah, whatever. It doesn't really matter. Anyways, it must be clear as daylight that my son
and Janani share a deep bond. You must have seen that yourself. So, I would like to make it
easier for my son when she moves on. An outright separation will not be good for him"
Armaan said with a shrug.
"And what about Janani? Taking her to Mumbai is a stupid move. How is it going to let her
move on" Vikram said with a polite smile and Armaan shrugged.
"It is better if you co