Armaan couldn't think rationally anymore. All his thoughts and emotions were overshadowed
by a powerful rage surging through his veins.
The woman who gave birth to his son had deceived him and his staff from day one and now
she was dead and as such untouchable.
A surrogate mother doesn't have any rights over the child she carries. So the honorary aunt
has even less rights upon him.
So naturally Janani had not owned up to the truth that she isn't the one who birthed little
Armaan scoffed.
How can she tell him that truth, when it is her only way of making a profit out of this situation.
Her best bet was to pretend to he the one who gave birth to Advi, the part of him deeply
ingrained with mistrust poked its head and reminded him.
No! He refuses to believe that.
Didn't he just an hour ago tell Inder that there are two sides to a coin.
And didn't Janani tell him she wanted to talk something important
What if she was going to tell him everything?
He will give her th