I knew she will come to me and I shut my door for the Maximillian because I already envisioned my death under an evil witch that is seeking for the time's magic. She smiled and look around.
"Well…well…this is quiet an abnormal place aren't you? You really hide yourself here. Are you not tired or anything?"-she said. The books around the wall float down as she scans them thoroughly. I smiled.
"Are you looking for my master's grimoire?"
"Oh, now that you say that, I did."-she said and sat down. She"s staring at me as if she"d kill me no matter what my answer is. I can sense the darkness around her aura. I cross my legs and snap my finger. The scarf I made will go their rightful owners.
"I gave it to the rightful owner. I"m sorry but you… won't get anything from me. Even a knitted bonnet. You only have one future ahead of you, Brenda. Death and nothingness."-I