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Zane wasn't impulsive, he never made any decisions without thinking it through. Every action he'd ever made from the day he knew his left from his right till this point, was carefully planned out. But the detour he'd made that day wasn't. He'd gone through the same route every day; he'd walked this same part but this was the first time his leg led him through a different path. Sweet! That was the only way he could describe the scent, sweet and flowery, like flower petals crushed together into fine powder and blown into the air. His whole body has come alive like a live wire the minute his nose picked it up. A growl had escaped his lips, as he looked around wondering where it came from. When he couldn't find it, he gave up and allowed his leg led him to a dark alley. The filthy pungent smell from the alley did nothing to deter him from finding the source of the heavy scent. He was able to pick the scent apart until he found himself in the darkest corner of the alley, three guys were standing around a young lady, she was dressed in a school uniform, and looked to be around 18, high school. The girl had folded up into herself unmoving, while the guys that towered above her laughed and teased her. The guy in the middle began to kick the girl's unmoving body, the force of his kick increasing by the minute as he laughed at her, calling her different name. “You didn't actually think I was dating you because I loved you, did you bitch?” The guy chuckled but Zane could sense the underlying rage in his words. 'Let me out! Those bastards are harming my mate!' He could feel his beast raging within him ready to spill blood but Zane had to be rational...more like had to gain control of his anger or he could do some real damage. He slowly walked up to the boys who were yet to notice him. “Fuck you Talia, you made me lose a hundred bucks!” The smile made way for anger as he began to kick her furiously. “I'll make you pay for every damn cent I lost–ahh” He fell to his knees and Zane chuckled. All he did was kick him in the back of the knee once and he went down like a sack of bones. “Disappointed. And here I was thinking we could actually brawl.” Zane sighed, his eyes constantly glancing at Talia's body on the floor while still trying to keep his sanity in check before he actually kills someone. “You bastard! Who the fuck are you?” The guy raged as his friends tended to him. Zane appeared out of nowhere and broke his knee. “I'm very sensitive to that word, I advise you to choose your next words carefully.” No, he didn't, in fact he wanted an opportunity to break the jerk's neck. He walked towards Talia and shoved the three lanky boys away, “Ill forgive you for what you did to her. Go home.” “How dare you? Do you know who my father is?” Zane glanced at him “Why? Didn't your mother tell you?” Carl wasn't stupid but right now, he was definitely the dumbest person on earth. The man was clad in black leather suit jacket gave off the aura of death, one glance into his eyes had Carl choking with fear but he couldn't afford to lose his respect in the eyes of his two minions. And that was why, his mouth was disconnected from his brain and he began to throw threats at Zane. Zane watched as the two minions lunged at him overwhelmed with a need to show their weak skills and to protect their puny boss. It was obvious that the jerk who had touched his woman was the one calling all the shots. He dodged the punches the two idiots tried to land on him and knocked them out instead. Carl watched as his friends fell like dead bodies to the floor. The sight shocked him, he'd never seen anyone move that fast and knock out two people at the same time. Fear gripped him and he knew the man before him was not one to be messed with but yet again, his mouth spoke without thinking. “Monster...you're a monster. Get away from me.” He moved backwards trying to escape from Zane. Zane knelt before him and grinned, “I also don't like that word.” The first lunch he landed to Carl's face sent him to hell and he continued to beat up his pretty face even after he was unconscious. He didn't stop until Carl's face was a confusing color of red, blue and purple. He turned to look at his mate and found her staring at him with heavy eyes, he immediately rushed to her and crawled her face in his palm. There was blood dripping from one side to her head and it soaked her white uniform. The urge to completely smash Carl's face in raged within him but he had other matters to attend to. “Help me, please. Help...me...” And she collapsed in his arms. He carried her in his arms, placing her head against his chest as he made his way out of the alleyway. He would come back for Carl, that was definitely set on stone. He ignored the stares of people as he carried an unconscious bloody girl in his arms in the middle of daylight. “Welcome Boss,” The driver bowed, opening the backseat door for Zane. 'To the hospital.' He heard his Alpha speak to him through the mind link. “Yes sir,” Bowing once more to the closed door, he turned and walked into the driver's seat. Zane held Talia closer to his chest, like he was trying to push her into his body and he began to take deep sniffs of her scent. It felt like he was on drugs, it was so potently high enough to mess with his senses. For a minute or two he simply indulged himself in her sweet scent, forgetting where he was, unconsciously emitting deep growls from his lips. His fangs elongated and he rubbed the tip against her soft skin and when his tongue licked at the beating spot of her neck, the pleasure that shot to his cock was terrifying. 'Mark her!' His beast raged and that snarled him out of his trance, instead he settled for sucking her neck and giving her a hickey. He pulled away to admire his piece of art and his heart filled with pride. “We're here, Boss.” The driver said carefully, praying that he hadn't disturbed his emotionally unstable Alpha as he opened up the door. He didn't want his head on a stake next. 'Wait here.' Zane walked out with Talia in his arms, handed her to the nurse, paid and walked out. He grabbed his phone and sent a quick text to someone and before he could flip it close, a call came in. Reina... He'd been expecting her call. “Yes?” “Where is she?” “Safe.” He didn't want Reina to know where Talia was. “I sensed your bond, is she okay? How did you find her?” “None of your business Reina.” He growled at the phone and slammed it shut, sending a silent 'fuck you' to the moon goddess for sending him a human as his mate.
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