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Chapter 10

Bernard unfastened his seatbelt and noticed Bernice zoning out next to him. "What are you staring at, Bernice?" Bernice said with uncertainty, "I think I saw Andrew just now, but I could be mistaken." Bernard sneered. "The Thompson family is hosting the charity banquet. Everyone attending commands influence and respect. There's no way that loser would be invited." Bernice, convinced, didn't dwell on it further. "Once we're inside, I'll introduce you to some important clients. They're all big shots. Landing a deal with them would solve our problems. "I had a friend look into the charity banquet, and it seems someone from the Thompson family will be hosting it. We might get a chance to meet them. With my connections, we might even secure investment for your new project." Bernice was visibly thrilled. "That will be great. Thanks, Mr. Clarke." Initially troubled by many project cancellations, Bernice now felt confident she could overcome her challenges with Bernard's help. Hearing the gratitude, Bernard wrapped his arm around Bernice's waist. "Let's drop the formalities between us." Bernice didn't mind Bernard's intimate gesture. They entered the venue like a couple. The lobby where the banquet was held was divided into multiple zones. Most people socialized in the main area, exchanging pleasantries. Andrew, unused to such social gatherings, wandered around until he found a quiet corner and settled in. Suddenly, Andrew felt something in his pocket. He pulled it out to find a bracelet. Once he took it out, he realized it was a bracelet. A wave of nostalgia washed over him as he recognized it. It was the birthday gift he'd bought Bernice a week ago, now seemingly pointless. Andrew approached a staff member and handed the bracelet over. "Can you auction this item for me? The money raised will go to the charity." Instead of letting the bracelet gather dust in a corner, Andrew saw an opportunity to maximize its value. The staff member, following protocol, wanted to take Andrew's information, but Andrew declined. He didn't plan to gain any credit from it. The venue buzzed to life as more attendees arrived. Andrew, tucked away in a corner, attracted some curious glances. However, being an unfamiliar face, no one approached him for conversation. Suddenly, Bernice's expression darkened as she spotted Andrew. "Andrew is here," she remarked with a frown. Bernard, surprised by Andrew's presence, raised an eyebrow and approached him. Bernice, however, held him back. "Forget it, Bernard. He's not worth our time." "Ugh! I'm just disgusted to see a loser here. He's clearly after you, Bernice. We need to nip this in the bud before he becomes a nuisance." Bernice, swayed by Bernard's words, released her hold. Bernard coldly confronted Andrew. "Are you still not giving up? Bernice has divorced you, and there's no chance of you two reconciling. Get the hint and scram before it gets ugly." Andrew bristled at the sight of the duo, especially after Bernard's absurd pronouncement. Even Bernice's silence spoke volumes of their united, albeit ridiculous, front. Andrew coolly countered, "Don't be presumptuous. I'm not here because of you. If there's nothing else, just stay out of my way." "Huh, you're the stubborn one, aren't you?" Bernard scoffed, refusing to believe Andrew. "Don't delude yourself. Do you even belong here? I'm starting to doubt if you even have the invitation to attend. Did you sneak in?" Invitation? Andrew, who had entered with Doria through a different entrance, didn't have an invitation. Regardless, he saw no need to explain himself. Bernard, misinterpreting Andrew's silence, smirked smugly. "I knew it." Bernard turned away and called out to the security guard in the lobby. "This man doesn't have an invitation. Kick him out." The security, polite but firm, approached Andrew. "Sir, may I see your invitation, please?" Andrew frowned deeply. "I don't have one." The security guard was caught off guard by his blunt explanation. He wasn't sure how to handle the situation. Bernice scowled at Andrew with a hint of contempt. "You're too naïve. Your tactic to get close to me won't work. You probably hired that woman yesterday as part of some elaborate act, right? How ridiculous!" With the situation at hand, Bernice came up with an explanation for what happened yesterday. She concluded that Andrew must have found a woman prettier than her to make her regret, a ploy to win her back. Andrew, hearing Bernice's assumptions, couldn't help but smile. There was no point in arguing with someone like her. The security guard, seemingly unfazed by the commotion, spoke respectfully, "Since you don't have an invitation, can you come along with me, sir?" Andrew had no intention of putting the security guard in a difficult position. Besides, all he needed was to call Doria to verify his identity. As Andrew was getting up, a young woman walked over. The security guard instantly straightened and adopted a serious demeanor. "Boss!" Summer, having witnessed the scene unfold, hurried over. As she approached, she scrutinized Andrew to make sure that she hadn't mistaken him for someone else. Summer then waved her hand dismissively at the security guard. "His identity checks out. You may attend to other matters." "Got it!" After receiving the order, the security guard left without hesitation. However, what had unfolded left Bernard and Bernice baffled. "What's going on? He has no invitation, yet you let him stay. Is this how you handle security around here?" Bernard fixed his gaze on Summer and confronted her. If she weren't attractive, he would have snapped. Summer coolly addressed Bernard, "Like I said, there's nothing wrong with him. If you think how I handle the situation warrants a complaint, the doors of Iblicmo Group are always open." Bernard was at a loss for words. Once Iblicmo Group was mentioned, both Bernard's and Bernice's expressions noticeably changed. Iblicmo Group wasn't just any organization; it was the top security group in Thenswy, boasting highly trained bodyguards and security personnel. The majority of the big shots in Thenswy had long-standing partnerships with Iblicmo Group. The group was the top dog among the elites. Bernard wasn't afraid. However, he decided it wasn't worth making an enemy over a small issue. He'd let Andrew have this one. Andrew looked at Summer with surprise. He hadn't expected to see her so soon. Summer overanalyzed Andrew's gaze. She hurriedly explained, "I saw you earlier on my way up." Besides, only approved employees could access the staff entrance. Summer merely stepped in to prevent trouble. "What's all the fuss about?" boomed a hearty voice from behind. Bernard turned around and flashed a smile. "I thought you weren't coming, Mr. Foster."

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