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Chapter 1: Marriage to a perfect stranger.

In the reception, "My bad, I'm already married" Jennifer Chris was saying in a bright voice to the lad in front of her. Who has just confessed his feelings for her. Jennifer waved the diamond ring in front of him trying to prove her point, To the blonde lad who had been blushing and grinning ear to ear Jennifer saw his face turn red. "You are not being honest " He was saying. "We have been close for so long" "I haven't seen any man drop you here or do anything romantic" "So why are you lying" He ended up sounding a bit rude. Hearing this, Jennifer felt her face stiffen in a half smile. "I can dig my marriage certificate out for you if you want" She said, staring at him intently. His face was expressionless. "Then he must be mean to you and don't treat you like his wife" He said side eyeing her. Jennifer's smile started to fade How dare he think that. "Whether or not he treats me well. It's my cup of tea." Jennifer asserted getting tired of the altercation. Jennifer noticed a little bit of remorse from his expression. But he still said nothing. "You are still a young lad" She was saying. "Don't think only about lovey-dovey stuffs" "Life isn't all about that" Jennifer was saying to him in an elderly manner. Blondie as Jennifer always called him Murmured a reply and swiftly walked away avoiding her eyes. "Seems like someone's charm is yet to diminish" A voice said entering the room A voice she could recognize any day. "Don't tease me Flora" She said smiling consciously Flora walked up to her with a cup of hot coffee. "Care for a cup? " She asked to relax against her desk. "Just a sip" Jennifer said, taking the cup from her. "To be truthful," Flora was saying. "If i hadn't seen the marriage certificate as your best friend" "I wouldn't have believed you were married" She said in a sad voice. Staring at her friend. "Yeah, I sometimes don't believe it myself. " She said, staring at the ring on her hand. Which she didn't even know why she put on everyday. Jennifer remembered how she had hastily married a man she barely knew. Just to fulfill her grandmother's wish. Almost like a death wish. Her grandmother had picked the groom who she claimed was reliable and was at the right age. Jennifer just and watched. Her expectation for her youth marriage had long gone. And right now she just hoped to be rich and travel the world. So many unpleasant things that she tried so hard to forget Had happened and she didn't want her grandmother to worry about her anymore. So just had to fulfill her wish and ended up getting married to a perfect stranger. The man was quite attractive. Which was the only thing that she could notice. On the first and last day they had seen each other which was on the day of their court marriage. "What are thy thinking of" Flora asked, speaking in some ancient British manner. Jennifer smiled a little bit and shrugged. "Nothing really" "Just remembering my court marriage" "Hmmm" Flora said, taking the last sip of her coffee. "What is his identity, since you told me you got married" "I have never seen him here or around you or anything like that" "I don't know either" Jennifer said, choking up and looking away. Flora didn't know what to say. "You have been married for over a year, and still don't know how your so called husband looks like" Jennifer just stared. "Damn, bitch this marriage it is like it never happened" "But it did happen and that's the point" Jennifer said tugging at her skirt. "Hmmm, seems like a mysterious man" "Think deep" Flora continued trying to make Jennifer see the light. "What if he is part of a mysterious organization, or a drug lord, doing terrible things." "So he thinks it's better to keep you out of the picture for reasons best known to him" Jennifer swallowed hard "I don't think so," She said. "So what other reason could it be" "I don't think any normal person would flee after his or her marriage" "I won't call it fleeing" Jennifer said indecisively. "It can't be a scam marriage can it? " She asked me to keep her tone low in order to avoid eavesdroppers. Jennifer just shrugged. She still trusted her grandmother's judgment so she wasn't going to say much. "It's just too puzzling," She said finally. Trying to end that line of conversation And she hoped flora would leave it at that. "Did you hear about the president and his wife" Flora said looking around Jennifer heaved a sigh of relief at the change of topic. "No I didn't, what about them?" She asked, wanting to know the tea. She had not seen the company's president since she joined. It was said that he was always on one business trip or another. Flora quickly looked around a second time hoping no one would hear. "I heard it from a co-worker...." She continued in a very low tone. "I don't know how true it is tho" She continued as if she was vindicating herself from any unwanted rumors. "Bitch, you have to tell me." "I'm already curious as hell," Jennifer said, her eyes and ears wide open. "Hmmm, " Flora continued. "It was said that our president was always abroad for work, but it is different this year. It was said he went for a honeymoon with his wife" "His wife is really lucky to have him" Flora ended. "Is this true?" Jennifer asked wide eyed. "I don't know how true it is" "Well, if it is true, he is a good husband to his wife" "Same thing i thought" Jennifer heard that their president who was always away was coming back in a few days. And due to that every hand was on deck. **** A new worker came in and couldn't stand it anymore. Working early and ending late. It seemed like too much work for him. "If you can't do it get out" Richard was saying in an annoyed voice. "This is a work meant for animals with all due respect, I can't do it." The worker was saying his face was red. "And you know damn well you can't fire me" He said in a proud voice. "Shut your proud mouth" Richard was saying in a cool but firm voice. "Don't you boast here, if it wasn't for you Dad you wouldn't even be allowed here" "You lazy clown" "You still don't have the mind to fire me" The new worker was clearly not scared of Richard's threats. "That's enough, you are fired" Richard said, arranging his glasses. The worker looked at him with embarrassment and shock. "Your pay for the last five days would be sent to you" "No one wants to see you here again" Richard said in a calm but assertive manner. "What's so good about this dirty ass job anyways" He said leaving in shame and embarrassment. Richard stood there rubbing his temples as he watched him leave. "Good," He muttered.
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