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Chapter 5

I endured five years of torment in prison without shedding a single tear. But now, I could barely hold back my emotions. My voice cracked as I whispered, "Mom, I’m sorry… it’s all my—" Before I could finish, Mom firmly interrupted, "Don’t take the blame for other people’s mistakes. Remember, it wasn’t your fault." Her words warmed me. With a deep breath, I forced back the tears that burned in my eyes and made a promise. "Trust me. I’ll make sure you never have to suffer again." As for Dad, I planned to visit his grave the following day. I wanted to tell him that I’d take care of the family so he could rest in peace. "Don't worry about me. I’ve gotten used to the hard work. Now, take a shower and change your clothes. Dinner will be ready soon." Mom had rented a small two-bedroom apartment just for me. I headed to the bathroom to wash up, but as soon as I stepped out, I heard a loud crash from the kitchen. My heart sank. I rushed in, only to find Mom collapsed on the floor. "Mom!" I screamed, running to her side. I carried her and bolted for the door, racing to the hospital. Once we arrived, they wheeled her straight into surgery. I paced outside with a pounding heart, anxiety clawing at me. When the doctor finally emerged, I hurried to meet him. "Doctor, how is my mom?" He pulled off his mask, his expression grim as he shook his head. "Come with me." I followed the doctor to his office, where he handed me the report. "It’s late-stage stomach cancer. She needs surgery as soon as possible. If we wait any longer, it’ll be too late." I froze, unable to comprehend how this was happening. Mom had always been healthy. How could it have come to this so suddenly? Sucking in a deep breath, I forced myself to stay calm and replied, "I understand. I’ll figure out a way to get the money for her surgery." When Mom was moved to a recovery room, I sat beside her, waiting for her to wake up. Once she did, I asked her what had happened. At first, she tried to hide the truth, but after some pressing, she finally admitted everything. After our family went bankrupt, all the money was lost. Mom, who had never worked a day in her life, couldn’t find a job because of her age. Even though she didn’t mention it, I knew Sharon had made things even harder for her. She had survived by working odd jobs, barely scraping by. Often, she didn’t even have enough to eat. As for the illness, it was practically brought on by starvation. After listening to her story, I clenched my hands tightly. I looked her in the eye. "Mom, I swear, I’ll get the money for your treatment." "We don’t have that kind of money. I’m not getting the treatment. Let’s just go home." With that, Mom tried to get out of the bed. I held her down gently and said with teary eyes, "Mom, Dad’s gone. Are you going to leave me too?" She fell silent, and I tucked her back into bed. "Just rest. I’ll figure something out." The surgery would cost 500 thousand dollars, and I had no idea where to get that kind of cash. Only one person came to mind. I closed my eyes in frustration. There was no other option. I’d have to go to Sharon. For Mom’s sake, I was willing to swallow my pride. I couldn’t lose her too. I made my way to Tatham Group and asked to see Sharon. The receptionist told me I needed an appointment and wouldn’t let me in. "Tell her it’s Kaelan Leroy. She’ll see me." The receptionist looked at me strangely, but after checking with someone, I was allowed to enter and wait outside Sharon's office as she was in a meeting. So I sat there, rehearsing how to ask her for the money. Suddenly, a mocking voice interrupted my thoughts. "Well, well, isn’t it the murderer, Kaelan? Five years went by fast, huh? Can’t believe they let you out already." I looked up, and my blood ran cold. I shot to my feet, staring at the person in disbelief while my voice trembled with rage. "Wesley! You… You’re alive?!"

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