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Look behind you

What?! Ivan's brow furrowed. "Dad, are you kidding me?" “NO. Your playboy lifestyle is getting unbearable!The last scandal you had with a woman made you lose some business deals.” At the end of his sentence, Mr Grayson unconsciously raised his voice. “That wasn’t my fault.How was I supposed to know that I was being followed by some pesky reporters?” Ivan shrugged helplessly. “Rigour and conscientiousness are what have allowed our group to grow so much, and the actions of individuals will have a direct impact on how our products are perceived by the public. If you could just get married,Ivan…everyone would see you as someone more reliable and responsible.” “I am…” “I’m proud of you,son.I’m more than proud of how well you’ve handled the family business…I always thought you were joking when you said you had no interest in getting married…But the daily headlines compelled me to make an intervention. Mia Easton would be returning to Texas next week.You know her very well,right..she’s prim and proper…And I will get you two register in marriage whether you like it or not.” Yes,his parents had always pester him to get married but with the look on his father’s eyes… He knew that this time,it was serious. But he couldn’t marry Mia. Yes, he couldn't. He couldn't figure out why a girl always had snot hanging from her nose, and her hair was a mess and she didn't look like a lady at all. Her presence cast a huge shadow over his childhood; it was because of her that he was always teased at school that he had a little wifey, so much so that no girl ever confided in him throughout his junior high school years. He was reminded that he was a freak, just because Mia Easton was a freak. His hatred for her continues to this day. Even though he reminded her countless times that he didn't like her, she stuck to him like a tagalong. Till her father changed job and they were not in the same neighbourhood, he finally got his freedom. Marrying her? For god sake! How could he fuck a snotty freak? Ivan suddenly found it hard to breathe now… His mother moved closer to him and held his hands. “Ivan,you’re almost thirty.You need a wife.Your father and I are not getting younger anymore.We want grandchildren from you…please listen to us this time…we know what’s best for you,” He rolled his eyes…best for him indeed. “I don’t want to marry Mia,” He pointed out as his lips were pursed into a straight line. “Of course you have another choice…your mother and I also want you to marry for love so if you have someone dear to you…bring her to us before Mia gets back.” Before Mia gets back? Before the week runs out? “Those are the two choices you have.If you don’t bring someone to us in a few days…You and Mia would be husband and wife as soon as she gets back!”His father declared. “And for the meantime,do not set foot in the company…you won’t even be allowed in.” “I’m the CEO.”Ivan reminded. “I’ll take over before you can get your head straight and if you still want to live this wayward lifestyle,then forget about your inheritance.”With that,his father stormed out. “Ivan,marriage isn’t dreadful…Especially, Mia is a very good girl and you will live happily ever after." His mother gave him a slightly sympathetic look, and followed his father out the door. Happily ever after? By marrying Mia? He would never allow that to happen. He grabbed his car keys and drove to the office. The lift which used to be exclusive to him, had been sealed, and when he tried to unseal it, his father's bodyguards surrounded him. "Young master, I'm sorry. We are following the master’s order." "You have been banned from the premises." ***************** And that was how Ivan found himself at the bar with Xavier again…he was still in shock…he didn’t even feel like fucking tonight… Xavier laughed after listening to his friend’s complaints. “I’m sure if your father handled the company for a few days…he would give you a call to come take over…I mean,everyone knows you’re the best CEO Imperial Group has ever had.” Ivan shook his head.”I don’t think I can get back my position if I don’t get married.Trust me,my old man is pretty serious this time.” “Why don’t you just marry Mia?You parents already like her.”Xavier advised. “I’m not physically attracted to Mia at all and I know a woman like that would want to tie me down in marriage for life!Does being married really proves that a man is responsible?” “As much as I don’t wanna admit to it,the public sees a married man as someone who possesses stability.” Ivan made mental notes of all the woman he had been with…trying to picture himself getting married to any of them but he couldn’t… It irked him to think of himself as a married man. He was so upset at the disruption to his perfectly planned life. “Well, Ivan, maybe God is asking you to get married now..”Xavier let out,laughing. Ivan stared at him.”What?” “Look behind you.”Xavier gestured.
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