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Chapter 3

Steven pressed his weight down on Marrie. He stripped, and restricted both her hands. "You piece of shit, let me go! Otherwise—" She was abruptly cut off. Muffled moans escaped her lips once she was gagged. She struggled frantically, unable to fathom why Steven was different from his usual cowardly demeanor. He was domineering, and her effort to break free was in vain. Marrie paid a heavy price for her actions. The floodgates to Steven's suppressed anger and frustration burst, so he was extremely rough with her. He finally unleashed all his rage and frustration after hours. Marrie was in a daze as she lay limp on the couch. She felt like she was almost torn apart. "Get off me, fucker!" Marrie was seething after her high. It was a shame that she could barely lift a finger now. Otherwise, she would've killed him. Steven had come down from his high. Regaining his composure, the fury in his chest waned. He didn't regret his actions though, because Marrie was delectable. He initially planned to beat her up and dig her eyes out, but he didn't have the heart to do so now. What he did wasn't entirely honorable, but he was certain that the revenge on Marrie and Yanny would taste sweet. "Marrie, you don't owe me anymore. Hand over Stellar Group within a week. It doesn't belong to you! If I find out that you're related to my parents' death, I'll murder you," Steven warned. "You're threatening me? And you want to retrieve your family fortune? I'll make sure you won't see the light of another day!" Marrie's blood boiled. "Really? In that case, I dare you to try!" Steven swaggered off after he put on his clothes. Marrie was fuming when she discovered the bruises on her skin. Her buttocks, which she took pride in, were throbbing in pain. She drew in a sharp breath as she sat down, overwhelmed by the excruciating pain. No one dared to treat her this way in the two decades she reigned. Though she enjoyed the sex, she wouldn't let Steven off the hook. "I wanted to let you live, but since you have a death wish, I'll make your wish come true!" A murderous glint flickered in her eyes. Marrie called Yanny first, informing her that Steven was still alive. "That blind bastard! He's really lucky, huh? How is he still alive?" Yanny cursed at the other end of the phone. "Yanny, I feel like he's changed. He's different from how he used to be!" Marrie said. Stroking her stinging backside, she was spiraling in turmoil. She couldn't fathom the drastic change in his demeanor overnight. He had been living like an animal for the past two years in the Qualls residence. "How so? No matter how much he has changed, he's still a blind piece of shit," Yanny jeered. Marrie couldn't bring herself to say that she had been raped by Steven. She was determined to keep Yanny in the dark. "He's literally a lunatic now! He's so reckless that he can't be stopped. Watch out, he might come for you," Marrie reminded. Yanny laughed. "Mom, are you okay? Why would he seek revenge on me? Even if he has the guts to, do you think I'd be scared? I'll kill him in an instant!" She was unfazed. "Is he back? I'll come back now and teach him a lesson!" "No! I'll get my men to deal with him. You should stay in school." Marrie didn't want Yanny to see her in this state. If Yanny found out that Steven raped Marrie, she couldn't imagine how outraged Yanny would be. Marrie rang Heidi shortly after she hung up. "Steven isn't dead. Find him and kill him now. Bring his head to me. I'll forgive you for your past mistake then!" Heidi said, "Madam, I thought you didn't want him dead." Marrie was furious when she discovered that Heidi abandoned him in the river. She reprimanded Yanny, and even kicked Heidi out. Heidi had been with her for years, and she was extremely loyal. The last thing Marrie wanted was to be defied. It was compulsory for Heidi to take her orders, not Yanny's. "I want him dead now!" Marrie snapped. The thought of Steven, whom she deemed was a coward, staining her body riled her up. She had to kill him. She still couldn't seek revenge on the significant man who raped her back then, but things were different in Steven's case. How dare a blind imbecile like him taint her? She was awash in humiliation. "Understood," Heidi said. … Steven was headed for Tourexia Mountain Cemetery after he left the Qualls residence. He had been under Marrie and Yanny's control for two years, so he had never visited his parents' grave. Tourexia Mountain Cemetery was the most prestigious memorial garden in Levix City. Only the privileged could be buried here. In fact, Marrie picked the spot for his parents back then. Steven was surprised to see a bouquet of flowers in front of his parents' gravestone. It seemed like someone was here before him. "Who would come visit?" He didn't have any relatives in Levix City. He used to be close with the Qualls and the Lurk family, whose daughter was betrothed to him. Marrie and Yanny would never come visit, and it wasn't possible for the Lurks to do so as well. Cavin Lurk was best friends with Steven's father, Frank Lewis. They founded their business at the same time. While Cavin struggled and was saddled with debts, Frank's company flourished. Frank helped Cavin pay off his debts, and funded his business. He strived to assist Cavin, and Cavin didn't disappoint him. His company began thriving soon after. Cavin took the initiative to arrange a marriage between his daughter, Fiona Lurk, and Steven since they were children. Yet, he immediately shunned the Lewis family after Frank and Ophelia died. The Lewis family floundered, so he called off the engagement not long after the funeral. He hadn't been in contact with Steven since. Cavin was now a renowned entrepreneur in Levix City with a wide range of flourishing businesses. "Dad, Mom, I'm so sorry that I didn't visit in the past two years," Steven sobbed, kneeling in front of the gravestone. "I swear I'll investigate the car accident. If someone is guilty of your death, I'll avenge you. "The Qualls and the Lurks are nothing but ungrateful bastards. I won't spare them!" "You're ridiculous. Both families can get rid of you in a breeze," someone snickered from behind him. Steven wiped his tears away and spun around. Three people were standing behind him. One man in his sixties, and another middle-aged man who stood next to him. They were both accompanied by a young and beautiful lady. "Who are you?" "That's none of your concern. But if I remember correctly, you lost to Marrie, didn't you?" Winnie Miller flashed a mocking smile at him. Steven furrowed his brows. "What does that have to do with you?" "I'm just fed up with a useless loser like you. You're only capable of bragging in front of dead people," Winnie rebuked. "Win, that's enough!" Zack Miller boomed. He apologized swiftly, "I'm sorry. She's a spoiled brat. Please don't mind her rudeness." Steven chanced a glance at him. He knew he wasn't a mediocre man. He also noticed the piercing gaze of the middle-aged man beside him. Judging by his stable breathing and slightly protruding temples, he knew he was a skilled master as well.

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