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Chapter 8

Early the next morning, Norman waited at the entrance of Villa Del Ven early. When he saw Jolene coming, he respectfully opened the car door. Jolene was about to get in the car when she saw Steven lounging inside. The small red mole on his neck added a touch of forbidden allure to his calm and cool demeanor. She was surprised. She had told Steven this morning that she was going to the herbal medicine shop to buy herbs. She hadn't expected him to be in the car. "I'll go with you," Steven said calmly. Jolene politely nodded. As the car drove, he scrolled his phone while she looked out of the window, bored and dazed. "Mr. Welsh, Mrs. Welsh, we've arrived. There was no parking at the entrance of Harbor Store." Norman parked the car at a parking lot at the end of the street. Jolene glanced at Steven's legs and said, "Mr. Welsh, you should wait in the car." "Alright." He was just worried about her leaving the house alone. While Steven waited in the car still browsing his phone, Jolene walked toward the busy street. Harbor Store was the largest herb store in Arcadia. Jolene saw a large, dense crowd from a distance, making it impossible to get through. As she got closer, she heard bits of conversation. It turned out that Harbor Store had sold substandard herbs, and customers were there to demand an explanation, leading to a dispute. "All our herbs are of the highest quality. Don't slander us without proof! Who knows, maybe you're the ones trying to scam us!" the pharmacist shouted. His face was red from anger. "That's nonsense. I even have the prescription I used to buy the medicine!" "Pay up! You're making dirty money! What if these herbs harm patients?" Trying to drive the people away, the pharmacist said in a harsh tone, "Get out of here and stop causing trouble! It won't end well if you offend our boss!" As he spoke, he tried to close the door. It caused chaos as people pushed and shoved. Suddenly, a scream pierced through the air. "Someone fainted!" "Call an ambulance! Is there a doctor around?" A pale young man lay unconscious on the ground, his breathing weak. Bystanders were too afraid to touch him, worried they might accidentally cause his death. Jolene walked over and shouted, "Everyone, please step back and make some room for ventilation!" She knelt to examine the patient, whose limbs were cold. He had sunken eyes, and his mouth was wide agape. This was a typical symptom of someone passing out. She took a needle from her sleeve and inserted it into acupuncture points like GV20 and GV26 to stimulate consciousness. Her expression was calm, and her hands were steady. Anyone knowledgeable could see her skill in acupuncture. "Young lady, are you sure you know what you're doing? A life is at stake here. This isn't a game…" A middle-aged man in the crowd hadn't finished speaking when the pale young man slowly opened his eyes. "He's awake! He awake!" "I didn't expect this young lady to be so skilled!" Henry Gibbs woke up to see a beautiful, pure-looking woman leaning over him like a fairy. His eyes flashed with fascination, and he was about to thank her. But the "fairy" said first, "You're weak and have kidney deficiency. You should go to the hospital for a full check-up. Given the circumstances, I only performed acupuncture." Henry almost fainted again. After ensuring he was alright, Jolene packed up her needles and left. Since Harbor Store's herbs were problematic, she decided to go to Wholesome Herbs across the street instead. "Young man, that lady mentioned you have kidney deficiency. Take it from me, the more you take this medicine, the worse it gets. Take good care of yourself," an enthusiastic onlooker loudly advised. Henry figured that he might as well die today from embarrassment. "Henry, my precious son!" Susan, wearing heaps of gold and silver accessories, rushed over while holding a handbag. She wiped her tears as she cried, "I told you not to take these random herbs! Why wouldn't you listen? You're always going to Harbor Store for herbs, trusting those quack doctors!" "Mom, stop calling me by my name!" Henry lay weakly on the ground, almost in tears. He was so embarrassed that he might as well end his life right on the spot. There was nothing else that mattered anyway. Bystanders eagerly recounted the recent danger and Jolene's advice. "Where's this life-saving benefactor? The Gibbs family must reward her handsomely," Susan asked. "Look, she's right across the street!" Susan, who loved her son dearly, looked up and saw a familiar face. She froze. How could it be Jolene? Jolene had no idea she was recognized. She carried a bunch of herbs back to the car. "Why did it take so long?" Steven asked, putting down his phone and looking at her. "There was an incident." Darkness flashed across Steven's eyes, but he didn't press further and told her, "We received a call from home. My sister and father have returned." "Should I prepare a gift since I'll be meeting them for the first time?" "No need. They're the ones who should be getting gifts ready." When the two returned home, sounds from the TV and talking filled the living room. As soon as Jolene entered, she saw a lively charming young lady run toward her. "Hi Jolene, I'm Natalie." "Hello." Jolene liked the straightforward and simple Natalie Welsh. "Jolene, it's our first time meeting. I missed your wedding." Steven's father, Alfred Welsh, handed a huge wedding gift to Jolene. "I didn't know what you'd like, so I went with something simple." Jolene glanced at Steven, who gestured for her to accept it. She held the gift and said, "Thank you." "Don't worry about it. My dad has plenty of money to buy gifts," Natalie chimed in. Daphne gave her a stern look. "Don't be so disrespectful. Is that how you speak to your elders?" Natalie defended herself, "I'm just happy to see Jolene. She's much better than that heartless woman who ran off after the car accident. If Nova were to—" "Nat!" Daphne shouted to cut her off. Natalie shrunk back, realizing it wasn't appropriate to mention the name in front of Jolene. Nova Foundation? Jolene was puzzled but wasn't too sure. She would ask Steven when she got the chance. "Mr. Alfred, Madam Daphne, we got a call from the Welsh residence that there's a dinner tonight." The Welsh family would hold a family dinner once a month. Daphne frowned in displeasure. "Why are they hosting a family dinner now? It's clearly a trap." Sensing her emotions, Alfred comforted her, "If you don't want to go, I'll call and say we're not going." He picked up the phone and called the Welsh residence to explain, but before the call ended, they noticed his expression become increasingly solemn. "Is the news true?" There was a tremble in Alfred's voice. After receiving confirmation, he hung up the phone in a daze. "What happened?" Daphne anxiously asked. Alfred glanced at the rest before leaning in to whisper in her ear. She was equally shocked. "Is it true?" "Absolutely. Mr. Welsh Senior has verified it." "We have to go! Even if it's a trap, I'm willing to risk it. I can't pass up such an opportunity." Daphne decided. Natalie grumbled, "Mom, what's so great about this dinner? The main branch will definitely try to humiliate us. I don't want to see Bradson's smug face." "We must go because they've found Gabriel's apprentice, who claims to be able to treat similar conditions." Natalie gasped in surprise, and her face lit up with joy. "There's a cure for Steven's legs!" Hearing this, Jolene looked at Steven. Compared to her, an unknown figure, he would surely trust Gabriel's apprentice more. Light streamed through the floor-to-ceiling windows, casting a thin glow on Steven's sharp facial features. Yet, the light didn't penetrate his eyes. He didn't show any joy. Instead, he held her wrist and gently warned her, "When we get to the Welsh residence, stand behind me and don't speak no matter what happens." Jolene was stunned. Would something happen at the family dinner?

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