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The Story Of UsThe Story Of Us
By: Webfic

chapter Four: Life As A Waiter.

Audrey's POV Simon? What is he doing here? I asked myself. "Hey Audrey" The friendly girl I met earlier came over to me and said. "Hi" I said to her. "I almost did not recognise you with the shirt and bun hair style" She said and I chuckled. "You are welcome here " She said. Yeah, I know right, I'm welcome to Wearous Estate, Wearous High School and here too, ERR restaurant. "I'm looking for..,I.. I mean who is Vivian? " I asked her. "Oh, I am Vivian" Ah Good! Such a nice person. "Mrs Blakeston said I should meet with you, so you will tell me what to do and how? " "Ok, it's not a big deal" She said. "Ok... ?" She began to explain : "That guy over there, he just walked in a minute ago, go to him and ask him for what he wants. Make sure you don't forget his orders, then you go the Chefs and Cooks, They'll give it to you in a tray then you'll go on and serve him. That's all " Vivian concluded. "Oh.. K" "So that's the cheap work we do here, when someone walks in or already sitted and not eating, we'll walk to them and take their orders. It's as simple as 1,2,3" She said. "Alright " I sighed. "Now go on, the cooks are over there" She pointed to an enclosed place.. Oh that's where the whole sweet smell were coming from. Even the cooks were putting on a pink shirt and they look older than us (Vivian and I). "Thank you" I said to Vivian then she went her way. Wait, she was talking about Simon, the guy she asked to me to go take his orders. I rubbed my hands together like I were feeling cold as I walked to where Simon sat with earphones on his head. "Hello" I said to him. "You! " He said looking up to me.. and then he pulled off the earphone and dropped it on the table. He looked at me for a while like he was told draw me in a sketchbook. "Suit you well" He muttered and he smiled mischievously. "Hi" I spoke to him again. Anyways, I wasn't here to exchange pleasantries. "What should I serve you? " I asked him. He smirked first, still giving me a mocking smile before answering me. "A plate of pasta and roasted chicken and same for take homes" He spoke arrogantly. I bit my lips and turned to go. The almighty Simon came to buy food here and even take homes. Doesn't he have a mom to cook for him at home or maids? I went to the chefs, I told them what he asked for and I was giving a plate of pasta plus roasted chicken which already, I've began to consume only with my nose. I returned to where he sat majestically and I served him as if I were his wife. "The take homes? " He asked for. "Oh Ok" I forgot, I hastily went back to get it for him and he scorned at me. "Mo... Money" I asked for.. "Really? " "Yeah.. "C'mon Audrey, you won't be the one to receive the money. He knows how to pay and if he doesn't, Mrs Blakeston would make the complaint" Thank God Vivian was nearby to save my ass. "She's so eager to have a touch of something she have never had" Simon said brusquely. I felt like punching him but I just turned to leave.. Only to make peace. Those girls that were clinging with him in school are not here and no girl was flirting around him here too.. Oh Good. Without knowing what else to do, since there aren't new customers to serve. Everyone is eating cheerfully except for those gang of guys make noise.. I saw Vivian now sitting at an enclosed corner, I walked towards and joined her. "Hey " I said "New girl" She said : "Are you tired already? " She asked me. "Not really. When are we leaving? " "7:00pm" "7? " I exclaimed. "Yeah" She giggled. "Uhm Vivian, why did you send me over to that guy? " I asked her referring to Simon.. "The one that demanded for Pasta and Chicken" I added. "Oh the one you requested for money from " She said and laughed. "Ye..ah" "Because I hate to attend to him" "Why?? " "He has bad tongues. Do you know he is Anderson's son and he attend WHS too" Vivian said. "Yeah, he happens to be my classmate" I told her. "So why are we talking about him? Do you like him? " She asked me. "Uh, no" I replied sharply. "Just joking! Not even for his money? " "Never! " I said and she laughed again. A guy walked towards us, he was putting on the same shirt as us. "Hey Damsel" He said to me. "Hey Felix " Vivian said to him. "Shh, I'm talking to the newbie" "Oh whatever " She gave a eye roll. "Hi" I said to the Felix guy. "I'm Felix" He told me. "And I'm Audrey" I replied. "Oh very lovely name. I did saw you when you walked in but I've been too busy to walk up to you and hear this beautiful name of yours but I'm glad I finally could" He said and I smiled. Those flatters got me. *??*????* I stylishly searched for Simon to steal some glances at him but he had left already. "Two bottle of soda and turkey " One of the ruffian guys said. Wait, he isn't one of them.. The ruffians already left. It was a middle aged man. "This man" I think I heard Vivian murmured. "I'm so tired" Felix complained.. "Besides I don't do guys, I prefer to serve the ladies" He said and Vivian and I laughed. Vivian isn't willing to go and attend to the man too.. "I guess I will just go attend to him then" I said to them. I stood up, went to the chefs to get a plate of chicken then took out two sodas from the refrigerator just like the man had demanded for. Then I walked to the man to give it to him. "Hello Svxy" The man said to me as he grinned. "My name is Audrey" I told him. Do I have to tell up to 100 people my name today? "Come on" He said. I dropped the drinks and plate on the table. "Are you new here? " The man asked me. "Er.. Yeah" I replied. He bit his tongue as he stared at my chest - My breast? It wasn't even exposed. I turned to go immediately. "500 bucks for one night" He added. What? What is he talking about? "500 bucks for one night" He said. What? What is he talking about? I walked away from him quickly and I heard him making a broken laughter. "Chill dear" Vivian said to me. I've not even told her what happened but she seems to understand. "Vi..vivan" I stammered her name. "I'll be right back" She said and she walked towards the man..while I just stood there and watched them. * "Hey, why are you harassing the new girl" She half-yelled at him. "Why not? She looks so sweet" The man said and smiled mischievously. "C'mon Gary, you already have me. Do you need to look at any other girl? " Vivian said. Did I hear her right? She called the middle aged man by his name and besides, what did she just say? Is she a prostitute? "So... Now? " The man asked her. "Later, I.. I will get back to you" She whispered and then returned to me. * "Hey" She said to me. I was just lost, re-memorising what I heard. "Audrey" She waved her hands at my face. "Viv..." "You don't have to be too nervous okay? " She said and I nodded, confused. ** Just like Bridget had said, exactly when it was 7pm.. We received our pay which actually depends on the number of people we attended to today then we started preparing to leave the restaurant. That man didn't want to leave but after so much Persuasion from Vivian, he finally left but winked his eyes at me before leaving. What sort of man is he? -_-_- Vivian and I stood outside waiting for Felix to come join us then he and Vivian can leave since they pass the same route. "So you stay at Wearous? " Vivian asked me. "Yeah? " I replied. "Then why are you working here? " Oh! Anyone who lives in Wearous are wealthy people and they do not need to struggle to earn a living. "Err..well, it's not like I'm one very rich girl" I told her. "Oh.. Ok" "Are you guys still there" Felix yelled from within the shop. I wonder what's keeping him ... "We are still waiting dude" Vivian yelled back. "Uhm, Vivian" I wanted to ask her about the other man. "Yes Audrey" "That man.." Before I could continue, she interrupted me like she knew who I wanted talk about. "Oh Audrey, he is just one of our random customers" She answered. I frowned a bit and she knows why I was asking her about him.. "You see Audrey, don't worry about what he said to you" Vivian said. "What about what you said to him? " I asked her. "Err...I, I mean He.. mmm" She stammered kind of; ashamed. "Never mind" I quickly said. "He is my client, I work for him and he pays me well" She said. Hmm! I think I fully understand the kind of work but why? Why is she selling her own body? - for money? I was about to throw another question at her when Felix came out. "Now, let's go guys" He said. "Well, I'll be walking home alone, I stay at Wearous" I told them. "Ohh" I bid them "Bye" then we departed ways. Truth be told, Today was so stressful. *??* Simon's POV "Daddy" I called as I walked into the house. then to his room... "Dad" I called again when I got to his room. "Simon" I heard Dad's voice..He was in his room but the light were off.. I switched them on. Then walked to his bed where he sat. "Are you gonna eat here or on the dining table? " I asked him. "Simon, isn't it stressful and tiring? Going to a restaurant after school to get what we'll eat every now and then? Simon, we've got the money, why don't you want me hire a cook or a nanny or something?" My Dad said. "Nah, I don't want. I don't want extra families when we aren't even related" I said as I began to serve him plate of pasta and chicken on the table. "I've eaten, here is yours" I said. "Think about it again" My Dad, Mr Anderson said then sat upright and draw out a fork. "Well, why don't you get a wife?" I blurted and he paused. "I mean it has always been you and I ever since my mom died..,lonely but wealthy. Why don't you get a woman. I don't mind having a step mom as long as she's good. She'll cook our food and you'll have someone to spend the rest of your life with - a soulmate, Aren't you bored with only to go to work, travel and return back to being lonely" I said. "Simon" "Dad, think about it too. There are so many women out there that wants to be your wife and my mother. Dad, it won't kill if you get one" "Stop it already Simon! " Dad shunned me and I frowned. "Seriously Dad? " I stood up angrily. I hate it when he yells at me, I still don't get it whenever I talk to him about getting a woman, he gets furious. I really want a woman I can call 'My mom', He said my mom died when she gave birth to me..so unfortunate of me, I didn't get to see her face.. there aren't even any picture of her in the house. I thought he won't call me back as I walked out of his room uptightly but when I got to the door, he said..: "Why don't you find love too and stop flirting around with so many girls?" I simpered and left his room. * When I got to my room, I pulled off my uniform and changed into my night wears then threw myself on the bed - Reminiscing on the whole thing that happened today and Dad's words suddenly hit me. 'Why don't you find love too and stop flirting around with so many girls?' Love? Does that four letters really exist? If Money and Love where to be placed side by side, Money would be the dominant one. Even if there's a girl crushing on me, it would be because of my money. Is it Jessica? I scoffed. That one that clings around me with her friends and ask for money and expensive stuffs from me, It's impossible to fall in love with her. Oh my gosh, even I decide to choose a girl and forcefully fall in love with her, it won't work.. Me? Love? Besides, I'm just too famous to pick a girl and love her really much. I smiled at myself then closed my eyes to sleep suddenly I remember someone new to me. I bursted into laughter, that slum? No way! she better find her square root.

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