I woke up feeling pains all over my body. My eyes shot wide open as the first thing that crossed my mind was the beatings. I looked around, hoping to still see that I was on the same room but I was surrounded by thick forest and birds cawing in the sky.
I struggled to get on my feet only to see that I was right outside the pack. They had left me right at the pack’s border. My body ached as if I had been hit by something heavy. I wanted to cry ow that I think of the pain for the beating that I had endured. If they wanted to banish me, they did nit have to beat me up.
Mooncreek pack was all I knew, I grew up there and doubt that I would be able to survive elsewhere but I guess, I am on your own now.
And for the first time since this whole thing started, the thought weighed on me and I sank to the floor, letting the first tear drop. I have always been alone and I guess I may have just been waiting fir one day when my story would change in the pack but it seemed I was never going to have that happy ending eventually.
I had done nothing wrong yet they accused me of something I knew nothing about.
I thought long and hard about what to do and suddenly I decided to man up and return to them, maybe I could get a fair hearing but then, my stomach grumbled loudly, I haven’t eaten all day. It’s funny how I can even think about food right no. I made my way a little deeper into the first to find something to eat but after walking for a while and not seeing anything, I was already tired, so I sat at the foot o a tree.
I suddenly heard shuffling behind me but before I could tun around, something was thrown over my head and I felt myself lifted off the floor. I screamed but my noise was muffled for about an hour. We were moving so I knew it was a car but where were we going and who were they?
The car stopped moving and I expected that I would be lifted out if the car again but instead, I was being rolled out of the car and I hit the floor with a loud thud. I yelled in pain. I was already bruised all over.
The cloth covering my face was yanked open revealing my face to the scorching afternoon sun. My hand made to go to viver it but I ralized my hands were tied. I guess I was in too much pain to even noticed that I was tied up. I looked round to see about five men and a woman standing over me.
“Who are you?”
”Why are you asking me that kind of question? And why have you brought me here?”
They all looked at each other as if they had not been expecting me to say that.
“Let me go!” I said again as I began to struggle with my restraints. The lady amongst them moved towards me and grabbed me by my hair and began to drag me away. I cried in pain and I tried to get a hold of myself. The others just watched her. They appear merciless. What have I gotten myself into again now?
“Let me go!”
“You will learn three things here in this pack. They are respect, keep your voice down and never be heard. You are merely a captive and you should act like one, understood?”
Was that a question? I am their captive? I guess the universe has found me another hell then.
I realized she had stopped walking and was now taring at me, most likely waiting for me to answer her question.
“Do you understand?” She asked me and I realized that if I didn’t answer, this might get worse. Where exactly is this place?”
”I understand but whe…”
“No buts. At least, I won’t be answering any question from you.” She replied and walked away. My hands were still tied. As if he heard my thoughts, one of the men, he looked young, maybe younger than I am, came to untie my hands. He gave me a hand to help me get out and when I did, he smiled at me.
“Welcome to the rogue pack. Come, I’ll take you to where you will stay.”
”What? Rogues? I may have heard of something about them. They had said that my parents were attacked by rogues. Could this be the pack that attacked my parents?”
“Listen, I need to get back to my pack, I got lost and would love to just return.” That was my desperate attempt at an escape even though I new at the back o my mind that it wouldn’t work.
He heard me, I was sure of it but he dd not act as if had heard me say a word.
“Please, listen to me.” I grabbed his arms and he stopped walking. Then he turned to me slowly, his once smiley face, which had fooled me, was now expressionless.
“Let me make this clear to you. This is the rogue pack. You are here because of one thing. You are a captive and will not be leaving here any time soon.”